A couple of weeks ago, I posted how my brand new, week-old Prius got T-boned in an intersection in downtown Minneapolis. I am happy to report that I have my car back. It's in perfect shape. If you live in the Greater Twin Cities, I can now officially recommend Lehmann's in Bloomington, MN as doing excellent work. And, of course, they now know what to do with a Prius It took very little time for the needed parts to arrive, which tells me that Toyota, while having trouble putting entire cars together, has enough pieces to go around! Glad to have my Prius back. Hoping to get back into to the swing of babbing about it soon.
Glad you and the car are OK. If you had them, did the side and curtain airbags deploy? What was the total repair cost? One thing to check is whether OEM glass was used if needed. Toyota glass has the solar energy absorbing feature not usually available in aftermarket glass.
No one was hurt; no airbags deployed. Both passenger-side doors were at least partially replaced (I'm not clear if they were 100% replaced or just their body panels, and I don't have the bill of work in front of me). I do remember that 100% new OEM parts were used wherever a replacement was needed. Both the body shop and the insurance company were told in no uncertain terms that I expected a vehicle that was as close to the 5-day-old nearly-new condition it was in before the accident as humanly possible. Near as I can tell, they delivered.