Hi I've been trying to buy the 2 day subscription on techinfo but for the last 3 days, everytime i try I get network error. I'm trying to diagnose an issue with the car (2010 Prius). It throws the P0AA6 code and I need the diagnostic procedure to figure out what the problem is. Does anyone have the steps for diagnosing this issue? Can you share the doc? Thanks, JW
Same issue for me as well. Continue to receive "not authorized" when logging in despite doing the 2 day subscription and waiting the stated 10 minutes.
Try calling the support telephone number that's listed on the site. I've had to do that before. The site is pretty creaky in some ways, particularly in how the news of your payment gets from the system that processes payments to the system that lets you in. I've had it take more than ten minutes. But you do get a real person if you call during business hours, and they will give it whatever kick it needs, and they've generally extended my subscription to account for the time I couldn't get in. Because of the during-business-hours part, if I am planning a project where I'll need the manuals on a weekend, I'll plan to pay before COB Friday, so I can call if there is any hitch getting in. The system works fine once you get in.