Batteries came today - wow $400 in tariffs. I was told instructions exist but all I've found was about Gen 3, not my Gen 2. I can figure out 98% from the Gen 3 video EXCEPT for this part which isn't shown in any video. Anybody?
Thank you. 14 'cells' @ $95 = $1330.00 DHL Airfreight. 420.00 Trade war tarrifs. 419.36 Total $2169.36
Yes I think that's the second relay power cable.. You're layout when you're finished should be the same as this video I do believe I looked at this before for purchase.
You could have bought a new OEM battery and had $500 in your back pocket for that. You probably would have a better battery doing that than the Ennocar you bought into the bargain. Live and learn.
Just to spend $500+ fixing the OEM battery when it prematurely overheats and fails. Great savings! The battery alone costs $2200 from the stealership. Better late than never.
But the OEM battery has an easy 10-year history that it will make no issue. No one's made a serious statement in time w these I don't think . Maybe by now they have. You ever noticed how the cost for things is like within $100 of the original price of the original manufacturer It's like a setup a crooked card game that sort of thing there's no competition in anything here everybody's within $30 of each other on everything no matter what it is nickel metal hydride battery like this shouldn't be $3,000 in this day and age. But that's just marketing they know you'll pay it just take you a few minutes to come up with that in your mind to pay then you go looking for bargains and everybody's offering you $100 less and $150 220 maybe etc no savings to be had there to be honest about it if you get your battery rebuilt by somebody that really knows what they're doing and as the right equipment to be doing this not just playing around on the weekends from their desk job I mean seriously in the game of battery technology You can get a rebuilt $700 battery to run three maybe four years if you're reasonable with it that's a pretty good deal 2K for a car You're not really sure you're going to have in 4 months let alone 10 years when the battery craps out again is really kind of a crap shoot. Then you see all these people trying to sell their car with the ABS pump that goes out next claiming oh my just put a battery in it and spent $3,000 blah blah blah and I think to myself yep here we go in this area I'm the guy that buys that car for $400 and gets the new battery and all the stuff because I know the force is not with you your neighbors will get a new car and then instantaneously the Prius goes that's how it always goes. Battery looks cool though but I saw these like I don't know five six years ago when all the hubbubs started on some Chinese Asian site like Alibaba and I knew at the time it probably wasn't a safe bet so I just didn't fool with it and didn't need to at the time