I just bought 6 modules from ebay from two different sellers. So far I tested 2 from the first seller. 1200 and 2200mAh. Garbage. Don't know yet about the next 4, but one so far is only ~3900mAh. I will likely have to return all or most of them. Anyone have a reliable source for modules?
Yes I'd guess new .. I see them on various sites Panasonic or the other name . Costly but most battery stuff today is now so that's that everybody wants batteries prices go up but he will want gas hopefully in short order and it will plummet and I will keep driving my hybrid.
traction battery replacement options for Gen 2 with 210K miles | PriusChat https://www.ebay.ca/itm/264289620818 https://2ndlifebattery.com/product/toyota-prius-hybrid-battery-cell-8-2v/
I've got 56 of them out here in the carport looks like a couple of them have leaked not sitting out here they were leaked when they were racked. I just unracked them and put the cases away like yesterday because the three people that were supposed to come pick up the racks and never did and I kind of need the space I have no idea anything about them except when racked and cased they failed and cars that I was driving.
Yes, Professor Joe has tens of thousands of dollars of testing gear and his modules all are always the strongest ones in the pack!
They can still be had new from sources from Panasonic M electric however you want to look at it. They're around 50 bucks a pop or something like that nowadays Brand new I'm not mistaken of course I guess nobody wants to pay that obviously so they're in lies the problem If you take the 1460 bare battery price that I paid from the dealer and divide that by 28 other than the sheet metal cover that's all that's in there oh that's right the bus bars the sensors and the nuts but that gets you pretty much close to a module price seemingly
What capacity do you consider good? And where do you get those modules? I would have been very happy with 5k, I was aiming for 4k when I was reconditioning my pack. Although I'm not going through the whole process again for this car, I'd rather just buy the Nexcell.
I'm happy when i see these numbers. I usually have 0 to 5 bad modules in a single battery that i recondition. I'd rather fix the original battery than buy something unknown like the Nexcell.