Changed injectors assuming it would help the stumbling at idle. Now have orange triangle. 3191 and runs for 6 seconds and dies. Wait a minute, same outcome. Thanks
This should probably be moved to the Gen 1 forum. A Prius engine that won't start usually makes people say it "runs for 6 seconds and dies", because Prius engine cranking sounds like running. It just isn't starting. I'd of course recheck all the work done changing the injectors. Was the 12 volt battery disconnected at any point?
Had to quick charge 12v .low battery Dash gauge showed low. Finally started on couple cylinders and 15 min charge recovered on dash. Starts now but rough idle?? Did not see gen1 option
It's this one. If you "report" your thread, a mod can move it there. Generation 1 Prius Discussion | PriusChat
Without the backstory it's hard to know where to start. So you had a "stumbling idle." Being more descriptive would help. A "loping" idle - rising and falling? Or just generally uneven like it's missing? Were there codes present before? What made you target the injectors? That's quite a guess. So perhaps it wasn't the injectors after all. Back to square one. What's the scoop with the plugs? Age/miles? Are the coils/wires the originals? Did it ever throw any misfire codes? Do you have a scantool that will report live data such as fuel trims? You might need to finagle a way to check the fuel pressure which, as far as I can tell, is not easy on these cars since the a holes didn't build in a test port.
When my '01 started stalling after I started it (does that make sense), it just needed to have the throttle body cleaned.