A salesman from Burien Toyota in Washington state told me today only AWD Prius’ are available for sale in Washington and Oregon. Can anyone confirm this for me please? I really didn’t want to spend the extra money on AWD. Was just gonna get the limited fwd. Thanks.
Not true. They have them in the Rocky Mountain region (not sure of Toyota's official name for the region) as well. Probably 50% or something like that are AWD. Toyota Inventory | New Toyota Inventory Search Zip code is Denver. But you can expand the radius to see that other cities in the Rocky Mountain range have them. I saw some in New Mexico, Utah, Colorado. I didn't check, but probably Wyoming, Montana. Maybe Idaho. I also thought I read somewhere that they have AWD in some of the Appalachian states. I imagine anywhere where there are a decent amount of mountains with inclement weather. The more mountainous, rural, and bad winter conditions - the more likely AWD will be sold there. As an opposite example. Again, I didn't check, but I'm guessing Florida doesn't get AWD
North of the 49th (Canada) it’s nothing but AWD, officially. Maybe some connection, for northern States?
That is likely just a temporary situation with the model just starting to ship to dealers. Even if it proves to hold true for longer, you can always buy out of state. Plenty of Southerners went North for a Prime, because of their local supply and prices.
AWD Prius is available throughout the US, just that majority of the AWD models usually goes to states where it snows or rain a lot. Every now and then, you'll see a few AWD at some other states that doesn't rain or snow like California, just not as many though - so the wait might be longer.
Using the inventory search on the Toyota web page confirms only AWD Prius' within a 250 mile range of Seattle. The closest non AWD is an XLE is Boise. Chances are it's already sold or still in transit though.
I'm in the NE and only see AWD models around. I wasn't too keen at first on the extra cost, space, and weight of the second motor but I guess it'll be useful in the snow if I'm dumb enough to drive in it.
I saw a fwd in Toyota of Seattle in built phase. If awd is the only option, WA will not have prime for sale lately, and hopefully it is not the case cause I am waiting for the prime.
The car has only been shipping for about a month. The first new cars made are nearly always fully optioned ones. That gives the factory employees experience in assembling everything, and they generally have higher margins. While that sucks for those that can't wait on a new car, I suspect most people can.