And NOT just driving through.... but using it as my B&B for 3-5 days (at the actual location.... the whole 6000 mile trip would be more like 15-18 days) ??? So, It's probably already too late for this season, but I am totally planning to do this 6000 mile round trip, probably in December of this year, or Jan, the next, to Duluth Minnesota. Not afraid of the drive, but I absolutely despise cold weather, snow, and ice. So what the heck am I thinking, right ? lol Well, their are a few super cool birds up there, most notably, the Great Grey Owl, which I just HAVE to get ringer shots of, before I die (understanding I might die trying !) Anyway, here's the thing, I have totally slept in my car, up in Tahoe, with it as cold as 10 degrees F. And it didn't pose any additional problems. But 10F in Deluth, is a typical Winter day. Im going to come in from the South, and watching the weather closely. If their is ANY chance of a Winter storm, I'll just wait it out. But I guess I'm just asking about a worst case scenario. If I were to end up in 20 or 30 degree F below zero in my Prius, could that cause anything catastrophic ? Could the heating system actually keep up with that ? Could the car itself, valve covers, seals, etc handle 30 below zero F, idling all night with climate control cranked up ??? Feels kind of like a canoe trip out in the ocean by myself....
You might read through this Gen 3 thread: on hunkering, Gen 3 style | PriusChat I don't know if anyone's done a Gen 4 version yet. I don't think I'd worry too much about the engine parts. If anything, cycling all night will keep them at more moderate temperatures (especially if you're running with the heat on, and not using the "extended hunkering" technique). Anyway, you bought the car to serve your purposes, not to hang on the wall and be admired.
Well then don't do it. can't afford proper accommodations to stay warm and safe every night, then you can't afford to make the trip. Sure, the car might fail. Any car might. I think the odds of you waking up the next morning finding yourself buried in 5 feet of snow without proper food or water OR heat and dying from exposure are higher than simple car failure. Sounds like you KNOW this is a really stupid idea but are considering doing it anyway. How old are you.......15 ????
Are you planning to do this miles-from-anywhere in Duluth, or near enough to town that in the unlikely event the car conks out you can say "well, phooey" and rent a room?
TY. I will check that thread. Lord knows I use my Prius I do rideshare in it, plus in my first 6 months of owning my 22', I've already done two 4500 mile round trips in it. So the distance of this trip I'm talking about doing, is not a big deal. It's just going to be cold one !
From what I have been told, there is a town about 45 minutes from the visitor center and most of the photography areas, which has a full service truck stop (which is what I'm most interested in) and motels, restaurants, etc. So yes, in case of an emergency, sure. Also, during the day, when I was out doing my thing, I've heard that I will likely have a lot of company. So I don't see myself getting stuck without help.
BTW, to anyone who might be curious, I can totally afford a motel... I just hate motels. I started doing car camping trips a couple years ago, and wow ! So convenient, easy, safe, and of course, cost effective. I remember after my first trip to South Padre Island Texas, it worked so well, I told all my friends and family, I'd never stay in a motel again. I've done 3 more 4500 milers since then. For whatever reason, if I stay in a motel, I never sleep well, plus it takes me like 2 1/2 to 3 hrs to get up and get myself on the road. When I car camp, I'm on the road in 60-75 minutes ! And apparently this isn't "just me".... Last year, doing ride share 2 hrs away from home, my rideshare buddy and I (he has 2022 Prius also) declined an offer two share a cabin and split the cost 4 ways. The other two guys never ended up on the road before 8 am.... We were both on the road as early as 3 am, and sometimes made $200-250 before they started driving. We would stop at the truck stop after the first or second ride (these were $90-125 rides) and hit the shower. I remember from other threads, that their are some folks here who do not like the idea of using a Prius for car camping. To each there own. I think it's awesome. BTW, every truck stop I've been to had security, and they encourage car camping. That's just money in there pocket.