When using the Waze app in my 2009 Prius - only rarely would the Waze voice be heard. I could never reliably get the Waze app to speak its driving direction commands. If I wanted to use Waze, I had to compromise and use it mute. It is annoying having to look down at the phone constantly to see the next prompt. I discovered an interesting fix: When you first get in the Prius and start the Waze app - Use the Prius touch screen and call the phone you are using in the car. You'll hear the call come into through the Prius telephone system. Just press the red 'stop' icon on the touchscreen and hang up. This action resets the configuration between the phone and the Prius. Your phone will now annunciate the Waze voice commands first time - every time. Wacky but it works!
Yeah interesting I guess I guess you're trying to get the Waze app to play through the what radio or something? I don't ever do any such a thing like that I just have it come through my phone which is on amount or stuck upside down in the cup holder and the speakers are aimed up at me what have you now you can get these Google car play things that plug into your cigarette lighter than almost a 9-in screen on them and they're so inexpensive it's kind of foolish to play around with the '09s WMA system
This fix is only to get the phone to speak the Waze commands. It has nothing to do with getting the Waze voice into the Prius sound system.
Well wait a minute now so I have ways on my phone and I have an '09 Prius and Waze won't shut up same with Google and the Android driving app whichever I put on and if I want it to come out of the stereo that's just the button push away but Lord no I don't want that to happen. So am I to believe that the Prius is shielding the signal from getting to your phone or the internals of the Prius is causing something weird in your phone? I don't know
This is 'chicken or the egg.' Without any physical interconnection - or Prius touchscreen prompts directed to the phone - The phone itself will not annunciate what Waze has to say. When you use the trick I discovered, the phone miraculously starts to talk all the Waze commands I could not previously hear. It makes a world of difference to me. Obviously, I am clearing some prohibition the Prius sends to my phone to be quiet - probably because it is hoping to link to the phone (maybe) via Bluetooth?? In any case, this clears my problem. Your experiences may vary. Please share them. Thanks for the chat.
Well you're in New York and USA so I'm not sure what the problem is that's really weird I have an '09 with the WMA capable sound system from the factory without navigation and I use Waze used to be all the time now a lot of times I use my Android driving app for some reason It integrates with my Google phone real well I guess Go figure