Please pardon my ignorance, but I'm looking at a used 2011 Lexus Hybrid, and was wondering what specific info, service report(s)/status dumps, etc, I can request from the dealer, that might give me some idea as to the "health" of the current hybrid battery, and likelihood of it needing replacing any time soon? Thank you!
how many miles on her? the dealer can run a load test on the battery modules while driving using their laptop and toyota tech stream diagnostics. the only problem is that with batteries, a clean bill of health today won't guarantee no problems in the near future. with a 12 year old car, even with a decent report, it's best to keep the possibility of battery replacement in the back of your mind.
Thanks bisco! After digging around quite a bit yesterday, I came to the same conclusion. It has >200k miles on it, and for what they are asking, not worth it to me, given the potential for near term needed repairs.