Hmmmm. Ok. good to know. If we order my wife's Model Y which I think we will have to do. (In 2 years) I will probably drive my Prius for another 2 years before I buy mine. Maybe longer. Good info to gather.
Although I am not a lawyer, my understanding is yes you get get to keep it. The moderator at Inside, Dominic, recently bought a used Tesla with FSD which is his now. I've only seen articles that rapidly get dated. My recommendation is ask Mr Google and then follow links to the free, Tesla,com web site. Retired, I carry only liability for my Tesla. But I will go insurance shopping this year. Bob Wilson
I forgot to mention insurance. I checked 3 places including our current carrier, Geico. To replace the Prius with the Tesla only increased our rates $500 a year. This is with full coverage. Given the higher repair and replacement costs with a new car, $500 seems OK. A new Prius, however was a bit cheaper on insurance than the Tesla. We can't get Tesla insurance in our state or I would have checked that too.
I checked. No Tesla insurance in my state. If I stay with Allstate it only adds $420 a year to our policy so not bad.