Ford has decided to send more than 400 Thinks, made for and shipped to the British and US markets, to the wrecking yard. A Norwegian distributor who specialises in electric cars, Elbil Norge, has however proposed to buy the cars for one million dollars, with the aim of selling them in Norway where eager consumers must currently sign up on waiting lists. After winning a court case against the US state of California which introduced quotas on a minimum number of so-called "clean cars", Ford decided to pull out of the electric car business. He said that the US auto maker was continuing its efforts to develop clean cars, but instead of electric cars the group was focusing its efforts on hydrogen-powered vehicles.
So, in the last couple of weeks we have a Ford product development executive claiming there's a lack of expertise in hybrid technology; Bill Ford equating a bill to allow hybrid vehicles in HOV lanes to encouraging people to buy non-US cars; and now this. At the risk of being rude and crude, I've got to ask: Is Ford suffering from a collective case of cranial-rectal inversion? Okay, I'm done venting now. Chris
I love it. I hope the US auto companies and their union thug employees are run out of business. I think I heard Toyota is building a new plant in the US. In non-union Texas. Love it.
Just because that Toyota truck plant is being built here in Texas, doesn't mean that it won't be a union shop. I live in Texas, and work in a union shop. Being a right to work state does not ban unions. It just gives the worker a choice of whether or not they wish to be a member.
I would hope not. I have a fair few friends and relatives in the auto industry. But I do find it distressing when a company like Ford (which is boast of "100 years of automotive achievement") sends out such mixed messages. On one hand they're introducing the Hybrid Escape with it's "Full Hybrid" technology. And on the other hand their making statements and action that I referenced above. Now, I'll grant that it's a big company but it almost seems like there is some kind of conflict within that is leaking out. And that kind of crap can't be good for the folks within Ford that are actually working on hybrid and next generation vehicles. It make me wonder how may good concepts were developed within the Ford. But, because they didn't involve SUV's or Pickups, they were killed before they made it past the early development stages . Sigh Chris
i hope they get run out too. just because they are gone doesnt mean the need or demand for autos will fly away with them. some one will take up the slack and if they know whats good for them, they will provide a product that we want. something ford is unwilling or unable to do.