After 17 years of being part of this fantastic forum for us Prius lovers i feel its time to move on. So many previous owners now waxing about their new EV / Non Prius is way better. Sorry if you hate Prius so much dont Troll this forum. When reporting this activity the Admins they support this activity stating these member are “valued” (based on volume of previous posts I'm guessing) without any real analysis of their current behaviour. sorry for stating the obvious but Prius Chat is that. Not Tesla Fanboy Flame Bate.
Other members talking about their cool non-Prius cars doesn't bother me so much I guess. I can still like a Prius.
I don't frequent the forum as much lately because I value my time more now that I'm retired. I have not noticed the Prius bashing. I do however take advantage of the "ignore user" feature on this forum.