dash errors by randy8876 posted Feb 5, 2023 at 12:57 PM Went to start my car and it appeared the 12v battery was low. The interior light is very dim, so I took the battery to Autozone. They charged it and said it's fine, I reinstalled it and that picture shows the lights. Any tips on what to do next? I'm clueless, not even sure how to bring up error codes. I was certain it's the battery, because the interior light was on overnight. But I don't understand why it didn't start after the battery was charged. The interior light still seems dim as well. Unless Autozone didn't charge it (they said its at 12.5v).
IDK about the C, but on a Gen 2, after replacing the 12v battery or anytime 12v power is lost and then restored, the power button will need to be pressed twice. Foot on brake, then first time you press button, you get a bunch of alarms, second time clears everything and car goes ready,.
you'll need to have the trouble codes read at a dealer. but if the dome light is dim, i wouldn't trust autozones analysis, unless theres a loose connection. someone with a volt meter can check that at the jump point under the hood
Tried pressing the power button twice, but nothing changed. The power window also moves extremely slow, again seems like an almost dead 12v battery. I can go buy a multimeter and check voltages under the hood and at the battery. Maybe that's the best place to start?
Returned to Autozone and bought a multimeter, battery was at 9.2v. I bought a charger and will see if it takes a charge. This battery is only 1.5 years old, it really shouldn't have issues. Hopefully tonight I'll have good news to post.
I left it on the charger for 6.5 hours and that's when it was fully charged. Put it in the car, dome light looked normal, had to double tap the start button and the car started right up. I'll let it sit for 8 hours and see if it drains at all. Has anyone found an alternative battery yet? Can't an Optima be jammed in there? Maybe mounted on it's side or something?
@randy8876 I'm not sure what battery goes in the pushbutton start c... Most older c's can use the S34B20R size, but the Threes and Fours used something weirder. You wouldn't be the first to explore using an alternate battery- the car will be happy with more or less any AGM battery, so it's mostly a question of figuring out safe mounting and terminal adaptation.
Did you happen to get a 12v Duralast battery from Autozone as well? I installed mine in October 2021, had issues within the first year, and it went officially bad this winter (i.e. wouldn’t hold a charge in the cold). Autozone was great and gave me a full refund. The Duralast for the Prius c had a 3 year warranty and they’re not available anymore. I replaced it with a Toyota 12v in December. 0054421181320 - Vehicle Battery - Genuine Toyota Part
I recently had a 12v battery under 2 years old go bad. I don't (didn't) get the car out often enough, especially in winter, to keep the battery healthy. These little batteries are a weak point in the vehicle, IMO, and there is a bit of work they have to do even with the car parked. I had gotten the battery at the dealer (they also installed) and they honored a 2 year full warrantee, part and labor.
Yeah, not driving for long periods of time can cause discharge issues in most Prius models, but my Duralast battery was definitely defective. It was a preemptive pre-winter replacement of a 7 year old Toyota battery that was still running great at the time. I’ll stick with Toyota 12v batteries going forward, as they come with a 7 year warranty and I know they can last as long.
help someone please I can’t post an initial chat: Hi. Getting the following codes: P0A94 Direct Current/Direct Current Converter Performance and C1259 EV Control System Regenerative Malfunction C1310 EV System Malfunction (I know these 2 codes are because of the first code) I know the hybrid battery is only cranking to 3v The 12v Cranking goes to 13.9 v Which usually means inverter is working so does this Mean my best bet is to replace the hybrid battery? All fuses checked, etc.