I just took possession of my new 2019 Prius Prime Advanced. I have a 16GB usb thumb drive formatted Fat32 with about 4 GB of mp3 files stored in folders by artist. When I select USB as the source in Entune and select Browse it never gets past the "cataloging" stage. If it does play one song, it never plays another. I'm going to try formatting exFat and see if it fares any better. By the way the usb stick performed flawlessly in the Alpine after market unit in my old Subaru. By the way exFat format was not recognized at all.
The prime really sucks when it comes to USB drives, the max per folder is 256 files/folders. (even my 2010 Prius did better.)
Entune has the same problem. The number of mp3 files per folder is limited - can't make much of a play-list. You have to wonder what the designer was thinking... ...Obviously, not an audiophile.
I created a new usb thumb drive formatted as Fat32 with 4096 byte sectors then copied a bunch of music folders to the drive. This one played great first time.
I just bought a 2022 Prime limited and I'm shocked at how poorly the USB drive system works. My 2013 and 2017 Honda's easily played everything on my 32gb drive. Enough said about the 255 file limit - in the Honda's I put 4000 files in a folder. I sorted all files into small 250 file folders, but when I put the USB in, it never gets to the browse function. All I can do is play the entire USB song at a time. I can put it on random, but can't go to any of the folders. Is there a remedy so that I at least can play the folders. I did not that if I limit the USB to a 16gb drive, eventually the browse functions works (like after five minutes) but I have had to removed 1500 songs from the USB to get it to work. Has any remedy for this worked? I can only format 8k sectors - I'll try that.