2013 225K CODES P0138 AND P0171 Thanks to the fine people here, I have stayed ahead on repairs before disaster strikes. Did my water pump yesterday! Advice - make sure you have several socket extender sizes. I used the swivel one. Game changer. Also, yes...taking off the tire and that little shield was the best idea ever. Okay, several months ago, I replaced the EGR Valve and EGR Cooler. Because of the advice here, I clearly mentioned to this little shop to be sure to not lose that back end gasket, as it tends to fall down and the new one doesn't come with it. They were surprised the Prius has a cooler so this was obviously a new thing to them. Long of the short. Ignored me. Got car, sounded super spuddery and smelled like exhaust. Umm did they not even notice this obvious issue? It was immediately noticeable. I can't even believe they tried to give me my car back like that. Okay, so they took it apart again and reinstalled it. If they lost the gasket, I don't think they could have gotten a new one that day because their parts place didn't have it, I checked, only Toyota did nearby and they were closed. They DID have the EGR gasket that looks similar though. Now, if it's the exact same gasket as the EGR, then I guess they could have got one? Anyway, my suspicion is that the cooler is not seated properly and there may still be a wee bit of exhaust coming from it. They commented about what a bear it was to put it back on down there and again, really not sure how they found the gasket. Given the fact, they totally just gave me the car back the way it was, I lean towards shoddiness. I don't visit this shop anymore btw. THE QUESTION IS: If it is leaking exhaust down there a little bit, would that give me the P0138 Code?? Are those two gaskets the same? I checked the hoses up top, new denso MAF sensor, new upstream sensor (not confident on the brand I got, (green cable) or the install on that (same shop) so maybe that?? Car runs really great though I got quite a scare from the failing coolant pump. I just scanned it with my little odb so thats the only code now. That old pump was indeed bad. So gross and impeller was hard to spin. Thank you so much. -Kelly
Hopefully! That p0171 just super annoys me. Haha I edited the post to add that code I forgot. AutoZone just let me scan it. Thanks for the reply. You guys are the absolute best for being so humbley helpful.
It should annoy you. Both codes indicate the ECM isn't able to confirm it's got the mixture right, based on the sensor readings. The descriptions of both codes in the repair manual mention EGR components and/or exhaust leaks as possible trouble areas. So you might not be wrong in thinking the cause is something to do with the EGR job. Even if it turns out not to be that, somebody should find out what else it is instead and fix that, so you won't have those codes.
If you're able to pull the EGR cooler out without removing its rear studs, the gasket is virtually guaranteed to not fall off; it will be held by the stud threads. This also makes reinstall a breeze; put the gasket on the studs, then run the cooler back in, onto the exhaust manifold flange. If you remove the lower cooler bracket's nut and stud first, then the rear studs can stay on. There is still a slight interference between the cooler and a metal conduit above, but temporarily removing the hold-down bolt on it's bracket (atop the valve cover) allows it be shifted sufficiently to clear.