This post is an offshoot of “2017 Prius Prime with $15,000 Rodent Damage” Our car, with only 43,000 miles on it, has been sitting on the dealer’s lot for 8 weeks while awaiting a new HV battery. Two days ago, we were told the batt ETA was 6 March. Now they are saying maybe next week. Total damage on the insurance tab is $14,741 plus $900 for rental car, less a $500 deductible. Unfortunately, our insurance will only cover the cost of a new OEM unit. According to the insurance company, it is my prerogative what happens to the original traction battery. The dealership says the original HV battery cells are fine. It only fails because of minor rodent damage to the cable sheathing. Given the critical shortage of new batteries, this item, with only 43k miles, has very significant potential value to someone who could install a used battery. However, if I leave the dealership with it, I will not be able to physically manage the thing due to health problems and the fact that it must weigh hundreds of pounds. (Anyone know how much it actually weighs?) Beyond that, if I cannot get it to someone who has a real interest in it, how would I recycle it? I retired in 2013 to earn a Masters in Environmental Law and Policy from Vermont Law School. This was to work on addressing the climate crisis, and it is nauseating to think that this perfectly good battery would not end up in someone else’s Prius Prime! We live in a very rural region of the U.S. (12901 Zip). I need help to find someone interested in and able to obtain this very significant electrical component. Any and all accurate, relevant advice that facilitates its installation in someone else’s vehicle will be greatly appreciated!
Storm... IMHO whatever you do, do NOT leave it for the dealership to grab! I for one have high doubts about the munched cable not being fixable, or replaced. Even if you have to pay 3-4 guys $10-20 each to haul it to your garage or barn (and having been to VT, I would be stunned if you could not find a few friends or neighbors to help you here) this will give you time to find a taker, either here or elsewhere. BTW, does anyone know what a dealership charges for the Prime traction battery these days? The last time I got an estimate was for one of our Gen3 cars and they wanted $4,500.
Put it up on Ebay; no minimum, as is - no warranty, buyer picks up @ dealership. You'll be able to recoup some of your deductible. Good Luck...
Not that you might care under the circumstances but........ Isn't it a law these days that anybody who sells new batteries MUST take back the old one for recycling ?? If I was in your situation, I don't think I would worry about what happens to the old one anyway.
Does the dealer pricing involve a core charge? That could be substantial, maybe enough to influence your decision. If I remember right, for the smaller non-PHEV NiMH battery it's around $1300.
This is genuine Toyota policy re the wiring harness. But the battery itself is OK. The insurance co. states these are legitimate charges! Toyota policy does not permit the dealers to ship the batteries back. They require that it be done by a hazmat specialist!
The only Toyota policy documentation I have been able to find about this is from 2013. There was a core charge for Ni-Hy batts. but not for Li-Ion at that time.
if it's anything like the pip battery, they come out in segments from the top. very easy and well planned. here's the pip video: project-lithium-prototype-doubles-ev-range-of-plugin-prius.238536
An update: The new battery is being installed today. There is apparently no core charge on the Li-ion batts. Directly contacted four potential battery restorers. None have expressed an interest in this battery. Unless something unexpected happens, this battery will be left for Toyota to recycle.
Well I'm Glad you will be getting your car back. If I lived closer I would come and get it. Ill be up in Cromwell CT in June but that is away off. Drat.