Hey guys, looking for the cheapest smart key for a 2007 base model Prius, the dealer wants 200 for one plus 160 to program it and 190 to laser cut the key. All I want is one that can start the car and open the doors. I can do the chicken dance (link to the best known one would be awesome) or use techstream (link to how to do that would also be very helpful) to program it. I have a working one that also has the key it has no silver logo on the back, the back is just blank black plastic, I just want to have a back up in case I get it wet and it dies (I live on a boat). Is there any cheaper model that I can do this with or do you guys have any links where I can get a cheaper OEM one that is new. I want the one that I currently have to still work and to program a spare that you guys recommend. Thanks!
Yes, they're available on ebay for 70-80ish iirc and I've used a few of them. Total success using the chicken dance. Some come with instructions, some don't. I have a post or two in the forum about it. I'll try to find it and link it. Are all silver emblem remotes MOZB31TG? | PriusChat It currently says he has sold 11 of them and they're on sale for ~$73 right now. If you look at the feedback for that item, I'm the guy that bought one on June 7th, 2022. It's been flawless. I have a modified copy of the chicken dance saved on my other computer for easy printing. I'll add it to this post a bit later tonight.
If you didn't ask them about doing the whole job.....obtaining the FOB and programming it to.......you should. Some can do it for about half what the dealer wants........or less.
I have techstream and or I can just do the chicken dance method, the dealer wanted over 500 to do the entire thing, hoping to do it for way less than that.
I bought 2 from ebay for $140 and did the chicken dance. My local hardware store cut the keys for $2 a piece.