I'm too lazy to google exact figures but is Toyota claiming they will ship 35,000 Prius Hybrid's to U.S. this year along with an additional 35,000 Prime PHEW to follow in April/May? Or is the 35,000 number a combined total for models? If we're talking 35,000 2023 models shipped, then are we looking at (roughly) 17,500 Hybrids and 17,500 Prime plug-ins. I'm not going to play the "dealer mark up game" much above sticker price. I'll buy something else if Toyota dealers want to break my piggy bank. In any case do posters "here" feel Toyota is shipping adequate levels of new cars to meet projected demand? Or could we see a shortage of both models this year due to limited supply? Obviously dealers want as many new cars as they can sell, but on the other hand limited supplies might allow for excessive fees/mark ups - to make up for limited lot allocation. Since no one can project "demand level" maybe it's premature to speculate. Just wondering for 2023, if Toyota is shipping "below normal quota of hybrid/plug-ins" which might turn out to be not buyer friendly, from a cost perspective.
I thought the 35k figure came from a Prius event, making it a number for just the NoPlug. If for both, it is a big cut from the past sales here. Toyota Prius family US car sales figures Until I hear otherwise, the 35k is for just the Prius. Prime is unknown. In the past, the two sold in roughly equal numbers, so expect Toyota to plan for that, but it depends on their battery supply.
A Toyota representative said they were planning 35,000 primes, same as last year. And if they sold more, that would be great. So don’t plan on seeing too many on the lots
...and if I may add , Toyota is watching the the Groundhog day in north america to orientate the shipping shedule of the prius gen 5
The only saving grace is that a LOT of potential Prime buyers are going to be siphoned off into the tons of PHEV/BEVs that are coming out this year (see Bolt, Escape PHEV, etc. etc.) So demand should be lower...also not to mention no tax incentive anymore for the Prime which will also lower demand hopefully...
I am a thinking Prius owners/buyers still might take a liking to the increased mpg on Prime battery only figures. Plus shorter charge time due to smaller battery pack vs EV with no ICE. Great for around town use I am thinking. Time will tell when we get to kick the tires, say in September or November else first quarter of next year lol. Guess alot can depend on what it cost vs other EV/hybrids out or coming out soon. And as mentioned the tax rebate options on other brands. Seems Toyota totally missed the boat on Federal tax rebates and has no plans to sell something that can use it (probably due to where battery, in part, in manufactured...a guess). If Toyota would just release a 2024 Camry hatch back...hum, maybe it was the Corolla hatch sold overseas model with the new Prius engine it would be a home run I feel for USA buyers.