Average city speed limits 55-60mph The temp outside was 55F This was a round trip about 13-14 miles each way. Lots of traffic lights and a good amount of traffic, plus the streets are full of pot holes and all messed up in the high desert area.
This was mine this morning shopping. The app is not accurate. Below, 62 mpg from the last 10,000 winter miles on non-lithium hv battery, much more accurate.
It doesn't really matter how far off the gauges in the car and / or the apps are, at least after you confirm how far off they are in your car. The gauges in the car give other members the easiest way to compare with others that post similar screens. Another problem is that one screen does not the full story tell. And many times even several different screens of any one trip don't give absolute proof of exactly how the car got the data shown in the screen garbs. There's lots of driving techniques and tricks to these cars and plenty of ways manipulate at least some of the gauges in the car to get the results the driver wants. ( gaming the system ) . And full descriptions of any one trips set of variables, that may have contributed ( to one or a set of screen grabs ) is typically, really poor to none existent.
Sorry that approximately 9999 miles driven is insufficient data from my screenshoot. I’ll get the next 9999 miles screenshot upload for a total of 20,000 miles.
@Grit I can tell you were driving very slow in your screenshot, like 15-30mph your whole 15 mile trip that took you almost an hour. So that is easy to keep it in basically EV. I was driving 55-60mph in my 28 mile trip. Most are getting much lower mpgs at those speeds in 55F weather.
@Grit my bad. missed your point completely. I'm no good at reading either HA's dashboard or your cons. I have to put in my grille block again, it's 23 F this morning and the ICE fired 6 times in 15 miles.
My first image postedwas shopping around town, I keep the app going and time duration keeps on going as I turn off the car therefore car In ready wasn’t on for the entire 50 ish minutes
My 9999 were all down hill as others have pointed out so it’s not accurate heh. Grill is blocked around town but not on highway which is half of my driving. Were at lower thirties on morning commute for the last month of January. I typically get 62-67 mpg per 10,000 miles when 60F or above temps
the misses Prime gets charged most every evening at home by me on level 1. I also go to level 2 chargers once in a while if there's one on my route and I can't make it back home before running out if range. I use the car maybe once a week for local stuff and whenever it needs gas I take it on a 100 mi round trip to the rez and fill with their real gas. I take the car almost every night to try an straighten out the kinks it gets from commutes during rush. So my basic use case of the car is weird at best. I do have time and minimal traffic most of the time to experiment with all the buttons and gauges late at night and early mornings, although if late enough in the mornings I get stuck in fast moving traffic uphill which if in HV mode fires the ICE and if in EV trashes the miles per Kwh gauge reading, a lose lose for me when I'm late.
1. I assume you are talking about 'Alcohol Free Gas'? Have you ever run the math to see if this makes financial sense? I can buy it locally and wonder how the math would work out. I'll wait for a road trip to try it. 2. "the kinks it gets" (The car?) or you physically? This is definitely weird if you are burning gas for 'car kinks'...
That's amazing fuel mileage! How slow do you drive to achieve that? You are way up there in the fuelly bell curve! I recently put stock wheels, wheel covers and tires on my '10 Level 5 and I still can't break 42MPG with the way it's used, mostly highways. Who needs some lovely 17" Level 5 wheels and great tires? The ride is so much nicer with the 15" set up!
@Bill Norton how much detail are you interested in? Like if I could get non ethanol gas for less than ethanol gas, would I still run the numb s? Or how close would the numb s have to be for me to use the eth mix gas? How much gas do you use a year? Do you have a spreadsheet to attach? A Fuelly - Track and Compare your MPG account? If you want to try it on your next trip, go for it or don't. I really can't help with the numb s, since they will more than likely not match up with yours anyway. Your questions about my post sound as weird to me, as I'm assuming mine read to you from the questions you posted above and in other threads as well......
I was just curious about using No Alcohol Gas. Is that what you were talking about? Around here it's much more expensive. I use it in my lawn equipment, just bc someone told me to. I doubt it would save me money in fuel economy with my Prius. I'm lucky to see +42 mpg that way it's used. I was hoping for more when I bought it recently... As for your statement about you driving the car after your wife to work out kinks,,, never mind....
Non ethanol gas is not going to save anyone money at the pumps, might also not save anyone money in maintenance either and wouldn't make a significant difference in mpg. It's not an exact science if that's what your asking. I stay out of rush hours traffic whenever I can. It kills mpg worse than driving uphill in sub freezing temps. And it does it all year long. kinky.
They say I drive all downhill so I just go with the flow. The avg speed is 39 mph but 80 % is highway and the other is city traffic that takes long to get back home. The avg takes duration of car in ready mode so Avg speed is skewed. I do have the backseats, bench and other stuff removed so it’s 75lbs less heavy than stock. And then custom aero stuff i added like side splitters.
OK! Now you're talking! What are side splitters? Can you post pics?!! I love aero stuff, although I have the foam tubing for my grill, I have not installed them yet this winter. I often thought about clear lexan as side skirts for the rear wheel openings. ( I had a Gen1 Honda Insight!) I'd like to find 'baby moon' aero wheel covers. What other ideas could be added?
It looks to me like you might not be needing to much gas in the future, if any. At least you'll have a spare though, so no deal breaker, which is always a good thing. and I've still got that one squiky rear brake that is driven me nuts every time I backup. Just not nuts enough to go out and split the two inner shims and replace the sticky stuff between the two shims with some grease.
Yeah, breaking a habit for sure We are lucky, walking distance from various stores. Have been using transit too, for very occasional downtown visits, where parking is dear, and stressful.
I've been reducing in every aspect of life I can get a handle on for comparison. ex: water usage in 1999 was 14k gal / quarter. I spit it almost in half after some bath renovations to 8k gal. and thought that was satisfactory but had some backup oder in the basement one dog days of summer far a few weeks. So I added some manual extra water to keep the 100 year old system working the way it was built. And that eventually lead to more ideas about how to cut usage. Last two quarters I'm down to 5k gal and and this last bill was 4K gal. and I'm starting to wonder how low it will be next month? Still the same price as it was in 99. Oh well so much for the economic advantages for reducing my own carbon footprint unless it's compensated for by the govb. Still, if they're giving it, might as well take it, on the right.