Hello. I was wondering if anyone could copy the files off of a navigation DVD update for their Prius and share those files with me. I don't currently have a Prius (and as such I didn't want to buy the disc/dvd reader just yet), but I wanted to get a 07-09 with navigation in the coming months and I wanted to see if it was possible to make custom maps. Of course, to start with this I wanted to get a look at these files and see if I could figure out the file structure as they seem to be different depending on model.
I seem to remember somebody in maybe Bulgaria had made some progress on that. Without a lot of experience in defeating weird copy-protection schemes, it's bound to be frustrating.
It would seem to me in this day and age you could come up with a lot better setup than trying to make that work I would think not that I've taken this on but it seems to me there are a lot of things it just would be better but yeah I have at it seems like it would be more frustrating and that sort of thing than anything else purposely of course because the files are some Toyota file or something I have no idea but yeah have at it great I mean the screen and a Gen 2 is so well kind of poor on your almost looking at stick figures
I do know I see these DVDs on eBay quite regularly for like $4 or something quite inexpensive I don't know how new and what version and what series of update and all that I think these things stopped back in what 2010 or something the last updates for the DVD in the Gen 2
2016 was the last one (UK anyway) You would need to copy them with a blu-ray recorder or something because there's too much information for one dvd.
And just to reiterate, you cannot just duplicate a Nav DVD as they have some kind of copy protection.
According to my wife the gen3 updates stopped in like 16 too . I see on eBay the gen3 DVD too do not know if they're usable or not .
Yeah that's hands down to seemingly way to go now with all these car play plug in the lighter everything works wireless or can take a cord just seems to be more golden to me than digging up all the wiring in the car plugging stuff into other cables and all this stuff stuff may or may not work I mean leave the original head unit there it still works all the nonsense it goes with it works now I'll pop this thing in aim it where I want it go and be done and actuality this is what I've been waiting most of my life to have this kind of ease
While I am a giant fan of using what came with the car, the NAV system is horrific The stock Nav system, while driving down a major expressway wants me to get off at every exit, make a left hand turn and get back on the expressway,,,REALLY!!! I just stopped using it and stuck to Google Maps.
Exactly I wish cars companies would stick to building cars putting a basic stereo in and leave their nonsense out I will add my own GPS etc that can be updated forever and all of that sort of thing having this stuff built into the car and then the car company just falling off the deep end in 8 years is no good of course the methodology is as they want you to buy a new car every two years with 8 years worth of financing kind of funny isn't it can we say tard.
I tried what you are thinking, the dvd drive is a dual layer with barcode protection. I used a standard Panasonic dvd drive without protection, and it read it until the headunit tried to talk back to the drive and then said disk read error and hard reset. I tried for weeks before I just gave in and bought a 33 disk from a junkyard for 2 bucks.