I have a "virginized" key fob with an uncut physical key for a PP. I bought it online, but never programmed it. Can't remember what I paid for it, but if anyone is interested, PM me. I don't need it anymore. I don't have a PP.
So I just called Toyota corporate office and they said that they are going to start sending out letters in April for people to get their 2nd fobs. Looks like a long wait ahead.
It turns out the programming software is different starting with the 2022 models and independent locksmiths have not been given access yet Sam's not going to believe it without more evidence...
Are the fob same as pre-2021 PP's? When I asked my dealer last time, it was ~$150 to program the fob for my previous PP (I think it was for 2017 but not sure). This was cheaper than having it programmed by a local locksmith who said can do this service.
I called a couple of days ago and they are still saying April. They will send out a certified letter instructing you to call a local dealer and arrange to pickup a new key which the dealer will program for free. I still have my two keys for my 2019 Prime but my wife bought a new 2023 Camry XSE Hybrid which came with one key and a note promising to deliver another key at an undetermined time.
Just called Toyota corporate and they are now saying “late summer” for getting the second fob. Difficult to express my disappointment with Toyota right now, but I can say that if they told me it was going to be 8-9 months before I’d see the second fob I wouldn’t have purchased the car.
i don't understand how they can make all these new cars and not take care of present customers. i haven't read anyone saying they didn't get two fobs with their 23
Toyota is now delivering two fobs with recent deliveries unless the vehicle has been sitting on the lot for a month or more. Not likely since all the Toyota dealerships have to sell on the spot (without a waiting list priority) are used cars. It is the buyers from approximately Oct 22 - March 23 who received only one fob. Some may have pushed the dealer for a parts dept fob but by Dec 22, parts departments in this area did not have stock. I also heard the second fob rollout is now pushed to late summer. The lockdown preventing customers from buying through parts has become more aggressive. A dealer can order a fob for someone who has lost their only fob but that cost is higher due to the immobilizer. Plus the "lost" fob won't work after initializing the immobilizer. Even if you manage to find one online, the programming algorithm has changed and local locksmiths around here don't have it. So in my area at least, only Toyota service can program them.
I’ve got a ‘22 Limited, purchased in Jan-23 I wrote in another thread that when I spoke to Toyota corp abt the 2nd FOB I didn’t receive, they said: - letters going out this summer (as you stated) - but…if you really, really, really need the 2nd FOB, you can pay up-front & TOYOTA will reimburse (We had situation where wife had keys in her purse, she was gone for day, the car was with me, but I could not drive it, no keys! What a PITA that was) - so I called a local dealer (not where I purchased vehicle), parts Dept said “I see 35 FOBs for your vehicle in our local warehouse, if I order today it will be here tomorrow” - that’s my plan…
just an update from another thread I posted on abt 2nd FOB… - I called Toyo Corp recently…there’s NO reimbursement (approved at this time) if you buy a 2nd FOB. - and, late summer seems to be the consensus for the free 2nd FOB arrival (until they change it to fall, then winter) so I’m gonna buck-up for the 2nd FOB now since my family needs two sets of keys. Then wait for the free 3rd FOB sometime, down the line, in the far out future
Dear diary, day 172 with no rescue in sight. Called again today and Toyota still doesn’t have an answer beyond “late summer”.
Maybe that’s the approach Toyota should have gone with if true, and also be a little more forthcoming on the timeframe, and offer more assistance if someone loses their only fob
That is what I was told and it is plainly logical. Toyota will provide access if you lose one but not the tow or dealer costs. Assuming their parts stock is not bought out first. The dealers are the problem promising time frames when Toyota never stated a definitive date.
Toyota dealers are out of control, but there’s no way an owner should be responsible for a lack of two fobs and any repercussions
Lets be logical and forecast what would happen when somone "lost" their only fob. Toyota being "responsible" for "repercussions" would pay for a tow, a parts dept fob, pay the dealer for initializing the immobilizer and configuring the new fob. Maybe even a rental car if the fob had to be delivered from the distributor. Right? The necessary immobilizer reset deactivates the "lost" fob instead of using the easier dup of an existing fob. So a large percentage of the hundreds of thousands of "single fobbers" across the product line since Oct 22 decide to "lose" their fob and allow Toyota to pay for the tow, fob, dealer work and maybe a rental car. Later they go to an independent locksmith and have their "lost" fob configured to match the new setup. Toyota still owes them a fob and configuration so the customer eventually ends up with three. A few tens of thousands do the same thing and Toyota Corp can't deliver an equivalent number of new cars to waiting customers while get ripped by the customer scam. The customer feels justified because the dealer took them for $5k-$10k over msrp either directly or through 300% dealer markups on pre-installed options like vin etching and the like. We won't even factor in dealer wholesale prices they still get from Toyota, quota kickbacks, finance rips/warranties and undervalued trades. To me Toyota Corp is the hero and still offers some below market interest rates using Toyota Financial. 2.9% in our case. The dealers are the midleading, barely legal and unaccountable zeros in the equation.