Not true, you always get two key fobs with new car, mechanical key is on both fobs, you have to have a spare key fob for emergencies or backup.
Yep! We got 2 with our ‘22 XLE that we purchased in February of ‘22. If the dealership didn’t give you the second one, I would be concerned about theft (someone is walking around with a simple way to enter your car and drive away).
In October, Toyota announced all sales hence forth will only include one fob due to chip shortage.'s,style%22%20key%20as%20a%20spare.
Wow, you’re the first that I’ve seen here . Did you only get one key? And what did they tell you about a second? Anything in writing? I wonder what they meant by “customers will get a second mechanical key?
There have been other threads on this topic. Noone has said they received the second fob yet if it was not included when the car was delivered. 2nd fob | PriusChat
Spoke to Toyota customer service. They advised beginning April 1 letters will be mailed out to those who recently purchased a new Toyota without a second key fob. They will be instructed to pick up their fob at the dealership.
I purchased a ‘22 on 1/15/23. In the finance office they said they would mail it to me. I left stealership with one FOB w/key + one key. Nothing in writing. I’ll call today to get additional info.
So I guess they give you a discount to the value of the missing key? Right? Chip shortage my a*s...sounds more like a cost-cutting exercise. How many people will remember to follow up on the second key after they leave the dealership?
if there's a chip shortage, why are the making so many high end packages, don't they take more chips?
If there's a chip shortage, how come every other manufacturer's not doing the same thing? I don't buy it
Key fob shortage cause Toyota to distribute one key per vehicle, and additional key fob will be available to new car purchasers as they become available. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I spoke to stealership today They said I will receive FOB in mail within 60 days. If not, call them. I’m in line along with 4-500 others ahead of me. The FOB comes pre-programmed for my vehicle. All new delivered Toyota’s get just one FOB.
Toyota says that they will start to send out letters in April informing customers when they can get their second fob from their dealership.