I'm considering buying a 2014 Prius Plugin with 105,000 miles. It has a rebuilt title. I found pictures of the car before it was "rebuilt". I offered $7000 for it and they accepted. Is this a good deal?
Don't know how bad was the car before it was wrecked was it hit in the front end? That's most important to me it's the front end that's kind of tricky and if it's bashed in the rear quarters real bad and bent the wheels can be tricky but nowadays they tend to write off these cars very quickly so sometimes you can get a smoking deal but is not the norm
If I had $7,000 personally I'd be looking for a generation too from old people like old folks homes retirement communities trying to think of other places but places like that old people tend to have these cars in perfect condition that they don't drive enough to keep the batteries charged up and everything happy or they're going down to the supermarket and they get rear-ended by some idiot and now their insurance company is telling that the car is no good and that they're going to total it and the old people because they're old and old school they say oh well we can't drive that anymore we're going to have to get another one or we're so old now no need to get another car we'll just ride the bus from the retirement community and go shopping with the group so the car winds up at LKQ in real nice condition with a dent in the rear bumper or front or side or whatever I see them almost weekly. I'd buy that for $3, k. Long before I start fooling with a generation 3 for 7 that gives me 5 grand to keep the generation 2 and the nice shape like I bought it I might not even repair the rear bumper cover for a while just because it's cosmetic No I don't know about in Kansas City that may be a rust area where the cars are can be pretty shot pretty quickly from rust I don't know
Depends where you are in the country I suppose. I don't think 7 grand is a such bargain though. What's the book price for a similar model in fair condition? Then half that number... If they accepted your offer without haggling or thinking about it, then you probably offered too much.
Here are pictures of the car before it was rebuilt. The main damage is to the front passenger side fender. There's also some damage near the passenger side rear wheel and door.
The book value for a 2014 Prius with 105K miles in fair condition is about $8000. I offered $6000 but I don't think they will go that low. This is the car; it looks like they paid $5,450 for it.
Looks pretty minor. What happened...something went on fire next to it? That site lists the estimated retail value as $7104, which you ideally don't want to pay for a Gen 3 with a rebuilt title. If you're comfortable paying 7 grand for it, I guess that's all that matters.
Damn I guess that's what these things are going for now that's what inflation is done or something My whole 2013 persona without a scratch on it per se was only $5,300 had more mileage but that was irrelevant to me still is today 90,000 mi doesn't mean much to me $300,000 actually means a lot more a whole lot of stuff has been done etc etc The 90,000 miles you haven't even got to the good part yet so the 90,000 mile car is going to get 3 to $5,000 of work done to it by the time it hits 200 somewhere in there so for my $7, 000 of cash or whatever I get around $100,000 mi of driving and then all the fun starts or something similar to this.
Take it somewhere and have it inspected by a mechanic. No need to be afraid of a salvage title if things are repaired properly. I have a salvage 2015 I bought in 2017 with 24k miles for $9k. I could probably get that for it today. It now has 86k and I have only done maintenance on it, plus 12v battery and tires....also a back window I busted out with a rock from the mower. It is missing the entire bottom "skid pan" and has not been any problem...I average 52mpg year round....a bit less in winter, a bit more in summer. It was hit in the front driver side......
i read you can buy a new model why with scraped fenders for 10 grande at auction: model-model_y tesla-insurers-take-different-paths-deal-with-expensive-repairs-2023-01-26
Can't see what's wrong with this one. Those panel gaps look normal for a Tesla Yeah yeah I know the other side is destroyed...