Hello, I’ve been following and reading for a long time however this is my first time posting. Long story short I replaced the engine in a 2010 prius with a junk yard engine (80k)... only to find the transaxle was leaking from the input shaft seal. I removed the engine and trans again, replaced the seal, reinstalled only to find the seal is toast again. Upon removal found the torque limiter/plate looks as if it is rubbing on the seal. So my question is Are there more than one 1.8 l engine designs, flywheel design, torque limiter designs etc? Anyone ran into this before?
I noticed when I had my engine out that there were several ways the transaxle damper (clutch disc) could be put on the flywheel, but only one way it sat all the way on flush. There are dowel pins on the flywheel itself, but also rivets thru the clutch that need to sit in pockets on the flywheel. The difference is only like 1/4 inch. Maybe that was what did it? I’d suggest pulling only the engine to repair that trans seal. There is plenty of room to get the engine only out the top if you take off the water pump and exhaust manifold.
Did you solve this issue? I did exact thing and input shaft seal leaked and I’ve now pulled engine again and want to not have to do it again! Thank you