Recently bought a Gen2. Noticed that some white grey particles on the dash. See attached photo. Appears to come from vents. Anybody seen this? I’ve replaced cabin air filter, old one was in a horrible state. Regards, KL
Check your in cabin air filter behind the lower glove box there's a white tray you pull out see if when you shake that filter onto the back glass of the car or on a plastic trash bag on the ground or however you do it see if you get similar white flakes as you tap the filter there's a clue. The other thing that it can be is sometimes foam is deteriorating around the vent holes where pieces of plastic slide up in meet each other etc etc then cars as old as the generation 2 some of this foam can break down and it can blow out the vents sometimes the pieces are large enough where they can't get through the vent squares and you can actually see them sitting up against the vent squares trying to blow in your face when the blower is on when you turn the blower off they settle down and you can't see them soon as you turn the blower on they blow up against the squares again pull the vents out vacuum that stuff out keep getting it.
it's probably leftover junk from the old filter. open the doors and turn the fan on high and let it run until it stops
Its the skin from your hands. You have dry hands you must work with your hands like me. The steering wheel uncovered is like a cheese grater. Very abrasive steering wheel that's cheese grating your hands.. This white stuff stopped after I installed a Wheelskins leather wheel cover. That cover makes the steering wheel feel nice and smooth like a new car and lasted over 15 years. Still on the wheel when i sold it and bet its still on the car. They don't wear out. Very high quality I put one on every car I own. I also put a set of Wet Okole seat covers on too. The pic of the car shown had Wet Okoles on them since the day i bought the car new. Seats looked brand new on a 15 year old car when I went to sell the car. Wet Okoles are great as there water spill proof and have a thick rubber cushion that helps with the shitty seats alot. They also lasted 15 years. You get what you pay for. Leather Steering Wheel Covers Manufacturer and Distributor
That's kind of funny about the ocoli seat covers in the wheel skins I used to use those in the '80s. And I'll actuality my generation 2 is the same color car inside you've posted looks like you're the gold with the tan velor if you will interior the worst interior and color of in that car line as far as I'm concerned that interior shows every anything that happens inside of it You can't spill a Coke drip a Coke a drop of water will cause a gray spot on the seats. Be that as it may the Gen 2 steering wheel to me is one of the softest I've ever owned in any of the Toyota's I've had which have been mostly Camry Corollas since the late late '60s will Corollas then anyway k e series I find that really wild I work with my hands and my hands look like pure crap but if I ring them together and rub them together I don't see any white stuff dead skin or otherwise coming off my hands but I have seen particulates of foam and crap being blown through the blower that's probably coming over from the in cabin filter in that area somewhere and tries to get out the vents I've pulled the vents out and picked pieces of foam like the pieces with the sticky tape behind them that they wrap around the vent so they can stick into the plastic ductwork and not have as much air leakage and if you have a really ancient original type in cabin air filter flakes of white can come off of it like it hasn't been changed in 57 years it's turned brown now instead of white leaves are laying on top of it that sort of thing.
i skip most of them. a short paragraph is decipherable i put baking soda on the filter when we had a dead mouse smell. white stuff started coming out of the vents when it got old, and took a long time to clear