So, my friend Judy takes her 2003 Prius in to the local dealer for its 60,000 mile service. She called me up to tell me that since they had to keep it over night they decided to loan her a 2007. She really liked the 2007, except for the fact that you cannot fit anything into it - she took all her stuff out of her trunk and it would not fit in the 2007. But thats not the story. One of the service techs shouts into the service writer asking which car to bring in next. He yells to bring Judy's in. The tech yells back, which one is Judy. The writer shouts back you know Judy she is the one with the huge Rack! There was total silence, then they all start laughing. page down for the punch line. a little lower Judy has a huge roof rack on the car for her kayak
Very nice. but i'm surprised that everything in the 2003 couldn't fit in the 2007... i would have assumed that with the hatchback and such there would have been more interior room for her to put stuff. I can't wait till i go in for a check up and have them call out for my huge rack
and it sounds like she has a lot of junk in her trunk, too, apparently it all won't fit in an '07... Sorry, I could not resist, just happy slap me now!
The tech yells back, which one is Judy. The writer shouts back you know Judy she is the one with the huge Rack! There was total silence, then they all start laughing. Judy has a huge roof rack on the car for her kayak [/quote] :huh: Poor Judy! I used to have a huge rack, but I had reduction surgery. B)