I have this fast-flashing red light when I switch off the car (one photo with the light on, and the other without, cause video is too big to upload). Is this an immobilizer or something that was installed by the Japanese owner for security?
You can connect a hidden immobilizer switch into the primary ground wire of the IGCT relay.[this can be done without disconnecting the battery etc because it is only a ground wire] The switch prevents the primary circuit seeing ground so it won't switch on the relay. I only pulled this relay when I left my car in a carpark for 8 hours while hiking the "Hooker Valley Track" at Mount Cook NZ [normally I don't bother at all] The inconvenience of plugging the relay back in, is far better than losing my car to joyriders. The flashing light on the instrument panel means it's a factory immobilizer. Does your Aqua have a "Fob Key" ? [push button start]
The Cobra 8510 immobiliser seems to work: Toyota Prius C Alarm - Obsessive Vehicle Security BlogObsessive Vehicle Security Blog There are other options: Toyota Prius C Alarm - Obsessive Vehicle Security BlogObsessive Vehicle Security Blog
What is your spare key like? Is it a plain metal key without the central lock fob? If so............It won't have an immobilizer The Cobra 8510 is a good alarm............But it is the dickheads doing the installation that let them down. Usually it is an underpaid 16 year old kid that is instructed to do the install as quick as possible They usually connect immobilizer to a relay in the fuel pump circuit [connected to posts #30 and #87A on a Relay]. The immobilizer switches from post #87A over to #87 breaking the circuit. All you need to do is rip out the primary wires on the relay post #86 and/or #86 and the relay cant be activated. As for the siren on the alarm, an aerosol can of expanding foam can mute them. You can't stop a thief if they really want it............you can only slow them down.
The point is that Cobra immobiliser (and many other brands) are available, and that fitting an aftermarket immobiliser to a hybrid isn't some kind of voodoo. There are canbus options as well which don't need to be spliced into the fuel pump circuit. But hey, congratulations if pulling a relay works for you. I'd argue however that most normal people just want to get into their car and drive, without going under the bonnet each time..
These are the keys. So it must be as you say. But then, so what could be the flashing red light once I switch off the car?
You can get $20 SMS GPS trackers that will do the same, It is the install that is more difficult. I have one of these trackers [well hidden] on my race-car trailer [as well as a stand alone alarm]. The immobilizer feature is only a grounding circuit on ALL of them [Including the Cobra 8510] On my trailer this is connected to a Relay that locks the electric brakes using the winch battery. Whenever I use the trailer , I "geo fence" it where it is parked. I have only pulled the IGCT relay once, while parked at our national park for 8 hours while hiking [as a precaution only] When I left Mount Cook national park, the cops stopped me and asked if my car was tampered with. They had another Aqua reported stolen and a couple with external damage. I have installed a $20 stand alone motorcycle alarm inside my driver's door. These are motion sensitive, and pulling the door handle will trigger a 3 second warning [even the folding side mirrors will trigger it] then it will re-set. If I open the door it will go off. The 400ma 9v battery is a backup if somebody cuts the 12v source! this has enough power for the siren to scream for 2 hours @ 125db. The siren is "glued" inside the steel bumper section, and the wires are threaded along underneath the plastic inner fenders, the wires pass through the "boot" between the door hinges. I have had alarms and immobilizers go faulty at innapropriate times, which is why I mounted it inside the door with a remote siren. I can lift the window switch out and disconnect it if it ever does a "Max Headroom" on me. All I am doing is creating a deterrent. If somebody actually stole my car I wouldn't want it back. I'd want a replacement. Get the non-central lock plastic key and pry open the cover and see if it has a chip inside. Or Take that key to a locksmith that "clones keys" and they can read it [if it has one] Hopefully it is a chip key...............It will save a lot of trouble.
Baller feature! Not sure if that's more James Bond or Mad Max. I like it either way. And here I was just thinking about hiding an apple airtag somewhere on the car. Those seem to be working out fairly well for certain objects.
You can buy cheap assed GPS SMS trackers. Use the Air Tag as a "sacrificial lamb" On my last trailer , I split open an LED taillight and mounted a tracker inside. When my friend purchased it, he slipped a Samsung smart-tag very close underneath the taillight [not knowing there was a tracker inside the taillight] Thieves went around this trailer with a "detector" looking for a signal and found the Tag [not knowing a tracker was inside the taillight] The trailer got stolen at 5.00am and we recover it at 8.00am [unfortunately 3 hours was enough time for the theiving bastard to take to it with a cut-off wheel and a grinder trying to disguise it] It has been totally repaired since then. That is why I wouldn't want my car back if it was stolen , Thieves do too much damage [The trailer above was custom made and irreplaceable] I F****N HATE THIEVES