Two Prii, different mileages

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by pilot_dude, Nov 28, 2006.

  1. pilot_dude

    pilot_dude New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
    I have two Prii, one a 2005 model and one a 2006. Over about 6 months I've compared the mileage and found that under the same driving condtions, same driver, etc. I get about 4-5 MPG better mileage out of the 2005.

    Specifically, in good summer driving condtions, driving as conservatively as I can, I can push the mileage over a tank up to 51 on the 2005, but I can't get better than 46.5 on the 2006.

    In winter both go down as expected, to around 45 out of the 2005 and 41.5 on the 2006.

    That's ~10% difference between the cars, which seems significant. I bought the Prius in part for the good mileage, and I know not to expect as good as is on the sticker. But this difference really bothers me.

    I checked the tire pressure. I've talked to the dealer about this, and they've done a diagnostic which turned up nothing. I'm not confident they're going to be too helpful.

    My questions are:
    - Can anyone else confirm different mileages on two Prii under the same condtions?
    - Is it reasonable to push for some action on this from the dealer?
    - Do I have any legal basis? If so how to proceed?
    - What kinds of things could cause this difference?
  2. Paul R. Haller

    Jun 13, 2005
    Walnut Creek
    2006 Prius
    I have the exact same scenario on my 05 and my 06. I chalk it all up to that the 06 is not yet fully broken in. The 05 has almost 20,000 on the clock and the 06 purchased in August this year has just over 5000 miles. In 15,000 more miles the 06 should do the same as the 05. But ,after being in the car business for 30 years, it is not uncommon for 2 exact cars to vary by as much as 15% in what they achieve in milage with all conditions as close as possible. They are not a single die cast piece. They all are a collection of pieces and they all are a little different. hense, a variation from car to car.

    Before getting excited (legal action?!?) give it a year. My guess is that you will see them both giving you nearly the same mileage after the 06 is broken in.
    -Paul R. Haller- :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  3. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    so you want to sue the dealer or Toyota because of this?? How typical.

    First off, what's the mileage on both cars? By mileage, I mean how many miles on them? Chances are, your 05 will have a year's extra right?

    That's extra year is enough to further break-in the vehicle. If you want an apples-to-apples comparison, it would be two Prius of the same year bought within days of each other and driven at same no. of miles.

    IOW, your 05 has broken-in the engine and tyres moreso than your 06.

    Ah, but you say "doesn't the manual state the break-in period is the first 1000 miles?"

    Yes it does but it's not like the engine suddenly stops smoothing itself out at 1000 miles. How do I know? Well, even this past summer, I was getting better mileage than my first summer (2005) and this past summer was hotter which meant more A/C use.

    So, if I were you, I would keep track of the 05 mileage right now and come back next year and check that with the 06 and see if it's similar :)
  4. berylrb

    berylrb Member

    May 6, 2006
    san francisco?
    Hey welcome to Prius Chat pilot_dude!

    Please share some specifics: mileage, tire pressure and tank fill up method for starters.

    And hey, hang in there!
  5. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    :lol: :lol: :lol: Now... THAT'S FUNNY..!!

    Considering sueing the Dealer over MPGs? Read the window placard on which the EPA estimated MPGs are listed. There's a paragraph assuring you that your mileage WILL vary.

    I must confess that a Plantiff does not need a CASE when filing a lawsuit, just a LAWYER. But then, frivolous lawsuits are thrown out by Judges much of the time.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Thanks for the laugh.
  6. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius
    Do both cars have the same primary driver? The Prius computers remember the driving style of the driver(s) and adapt the hybrid synergy drive system to get the best performance accordingly.
  7. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    You might want to swap tires between the cars. Worn tires will get better mpg, and also have smaller size so mpg will look even more inflated.
  8. flying

    flying New Member

    Mar 15, 2005
    ft. myers,Fl
    :) I have exactly the same circumstances as you do! No matter what we try, the 2006 always gets at least 4mpg less than the 2005. Believe it or not, I have two friends w/ 2006s who are also getting the identical differences between the 05 and 06s. One thing that I have noticed w/ my 2006, is that the compressor for the a/c runs MUCH more often than the 2005 w/ same outside temps and same inside settings. I dont know if this is the reason for the difference or not. No matter, I still wouldnt want any other car. :p :p
  9. narf

    narf Active Member

    Mar 15, 2005
    2016 Prius
    Four Touring
    Like everyone else said, a 10 percent difference is certainly within the realm of possibility between individual cars. Are you quoting MPG that you calculate, or what is displayed in the consumption display? The displays can vary by around 5% between cars easily (My 05 always read about 7% high, my 07 seems spot-on so far.) If I just went by the display on both cars I'd be pretty disappointed with the mileage in the 07, but comparing the calculated results of both cars the 07 is getting better mileage for its first 1000 miles than the 05 did when it was new.

    I tracked the mileage of my 05 for 35,000 miles, and the mileage continued to get better until the day I sold it. Some of that was caused by the tire wear which causes you to overestimate the distance you travel as the tires get smaller. Other causes include the reduced friction of components as they break in and wear together.

    If you have long term calculated data on both cars, how does the mileage on the 05 compare with that of the 06 when they are the same age?
  10. tochatihu

    tochatihu Senior Member

    Apr 10, 2004
    Kunming Yunnan China
    2001 Prius
    Possible, but probably rare: One vehicle has set its rear brake shoes to drag a little bit. Prius with rear drum brakes use conventional self-adjusters that set themselves during braking in reverse. No guarantee that they will always reset themselves perfectly.

    It is pretty easy to lift a rear wheel, makes sure it spins nice, and back off the shoes if it does not (there is a little access hole to allow you to turn the whatchamacallit). A recommended procedure prior to any high-mpg driving event.

    Disclaimer: system is as described for the classic Prius. May be slightly different in the new model?

    Or, maybe your parking/emergency brake pedal is clicked down one notch and you haven't noticed the warning light?
  11. kirbinster

    kirbinster Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    Morris County - New Jersey
    You cannot sue the dealer for mileage, the dealer by law is not allowed to make any claims about mileage - only EPA can do that. Good luck trying to sue.

    As for as difference, many things can impact that. I have a pair of 2002 pri's and one gets 4 mpg less than the other. But I know why it is, the one that gets lower mileage has slightly oversized hydroedge tires rather than the LRR Bridgestones. I don't care though, as that one handles so much better and is so much safer because of the tires.
  12. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I just realised, it could very well be the weight difference. His 05 and 06 may be equipped differently.
  13. pilot_dude

    pilot_dude New Member

    Nov 28, 2006
    Thanks for the helpful (as well as the not so helpful) responses.

    I should clarify some things.

    - In my original post I said "same driver, same tire pressure". I don't remember what that is, but I have checked to make sure they're both whatever it says it should be on the door post. The tires are the same brand but....

    - Yes the 05 has 28,000 miles on it, the 06 has only 4000.

    - The 05, since after the break-in period anyway, has always gotten better mileage overall than I've seen on the -06.

    - Fueling method? I don't know what that means. I get the same fuel from the same gas station.

    - The weight thing is a good guess although looking over the trips I've made, it seems mileage on either car is is pretty stable over a pretty wide variety of loads. So unless the 06 is significantly heavier, I kind of doubt that's it. But still... maybe I'll weigh them on a truck scale some time, thanks for the thought!

    - I did not say I wanted to sue. Since I don't know what's significant and what's not, I'm asking this forum that very question (and got some good answers, thanks.) If it turned out that 10% difference is really out of line then I might be inclined to expect some action from the dealer. The "legal basis" part of my question pertained to whether this really represents a significant problem. But I don't KNOW how much variation from car to car is normal and expected, that's one thing I want to find out by asking this question. Jeez.

    - One more data point. I have a friend with a 2006 who's mileage is more in line with my 2005, so even though it's not an apples-to-apples comparison since he's a different driver with different trips, it does make me less inclined to think it has to do with the model year.

    All interesting discussions, anyhow.
  14. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pilot_dude @ Nov 30 2006, 04:21 PM) [snapback]356008[/snapback]</div>
    The thing is, the 06 has some new equipment which may not seem like much on their own but together, they add weight

    - the new front lip spoiler
    - TPMS and their respective sensors and computers
    - advanced airbag system (and their respective sensors and computers)
    - side/side curtain is standard on all models
    - the Touring model adds weight from its larger wheel/tyre combo
    - for all we know, the new dashboard material could be heavier or lighter than our smooth plastic one

    That's just the basics cause if they're of different packages, then the weight will be different esp. when you had the nav system and all its components, the SKS and all its components as well as VSC, bluetooth, leather and other "heavier" components compared to the standard base model in 2005.