I have a 2014 Prius C Four and my employees lost all the keys. I can get a key cut, but how can I get this going without towing to a dealer. Is there a procedure that can be done with no old keys or what has to be done.
Ouch, a four and all keys lost? that's not going to be easy or cheap, even after towing to a dealer. Good luck!
I couldn't tell you the trim equivalents between USA & Canada delivery, sorry. @Tideland Prius may be able to help.
There is no "Prius 4". The 4 is just a "trim level" or a standard list of options. The C, however, is a bit different than a standard Prius in some respects. Typically when you loose ALL of the keys, the dealer will tell you that you need: 2 new key FOBS, one of which the employees should never touch AND the computer security board because it can't be re-programmed without one working key. Seems like I remember the cost for all of that can approach $1000.