Once upon a time, personality tests were popular with variable results. Watching a recent YouTube on athesim, the author proposed that atheists had shared personalities. His methodology was to use the Meyers Briggs approach to do the mapping. So here it is: Free Personality Test - 16Personalitieshttps://www.16personalities.com › free-personality-test Results: Personality type: Logistician (ISTJ-A) Traits: Introverted – 90%, Observant – 62%, Thinking – 62%, Judging – 56%, Assertive – 72% Role: Sentinel Strategy: Confident Individualism Bob Wilson
I remember from high school, college, Marines, and work the rare personality conflicts. Most people got along but there were the very rare individuals who within minutes, I knew 'someone to avoid.' Friendship takes longer so my first wife and I stayed together 43 years. So I'm wondering if Meyers Briggs might give us a clue about who or why we are alienated by a few yet get along with so many. For example, those temporarily on my ignore list: @Raphael Muscarelle; @PriusCamper; @dbstoo, and; @ColoradoBoo. By the same token, it might rub others the wrong way regardless of posting content. More for curiosity, we might take and share our Meyers Briggs classification. Some of my personality conflicts have been with very bright but abrasive people. But in one case, they went through a cathartic event that improved being in the company. Unexpected, Steve D. was initially enjoyed by my wife but he alienated me due to his monopolizing conversation. He got better. Bob Wilson
funny you mention raphael, i asked a question in his covid thread, and received 47 pm's on everything conspiracy theory
More valid than Meyers Briggs would be Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Meyer's Briggs is an simplification of human traits. It has recently been dismissed in many current studies.
Personality type: Defender (ISFJ-A) Traits: Introverted – 66%, Observant – 52%, Feeling – 54%, Judging – 56%, Assertive – 53% Role: Sentinel Strategy: Confident Individualism
INFP I’ve taken MB back in college, and at two workplaces. While it isn’t magic, it has helped me communicate with others better, and them with me.
Totally agree... You can't pigeon hole everyone into a small amount of personality types that are devoid of context to the specific moment. Every situation will bring out a different personality... For example when your boss who can fire you interacts with you you're going to behave with an entirely different personality then you would when your annoying little brother interacts with you. We wasted way too much time in grad school on the stupidity that is Meyers-Briggs. I'd always argue that to be a healthy person you need to develop your ability in every category rather than assume you're only just one of them!
Personality type: Advocate (INFJ-T) Traits: Introverted – 59%, Intuitive – 59%, Feeling – 77%, Judging – 74%, Turbulent – 58% Role: Diplomat Strategy: Constant Improvement
A couple of decades ago, at a previous employer, we had a new VP of communications. She insisted everyone take the MB test and then meet with her to discuss. I refused, I was told take it or you are gone. I took the damn thing. I don't remember a thing about it, other than all of us "workers" shared our results and to a person, each said there is NO WAY that test has you (me) right. But, IIRC, my "results" were exactly what she was looking for, so I got a promotion a few months later and a substantial raise in wages. Of course, she said it was based on my performance not the MB. So, in my opinion....baa on Mb/ BTW, I actually think the test seemed to mirror everyone else more or less correctly,,,,IIRC?
After reading the detailed email and results on their website, the test pretty much nailed me down to a "T"
Did you read a sample of the corresponding detailed descriptions they give people with different results?
I didn't give them my email address, so I have an abbreviated result. Logistician 69% Introverted 54% Observant 57% Thinking 63% Judging 68% Assertive This, and $15.50 will get you a cup of coffee anywhere...
Personality type: Logician INTP-A Traits: Introverted – Extroverted - 80% - 20% Intuitive - Observant – 54% - 46% Thinking – Feeling - 69% - 31% Prospecting - Judging – 61% - 39% Assertive – Turbulent - 81% - 19% Role: Analyst Strategy: Confident Individualism Oh you idiots you spelled Extraverted wrong. So says spell check. Who else only needed the big circles on the left and right? Friends? I got lots of friends. I'm hanging with them right now.
delete whats with the multiposts I dont know well there was 4 dupes but know only 2 but both are the delete ones. ha ha ha on me.
I work for an Asian company that believes in this nonsense. All new employees are screened. Might as well ask what their star sign is... I'm INTP (and Sagittarius) by the way