All, Have a 2010 Prius, 209K - running good. Check engine light came on, p0401- took to dealer and they said EGR replacement- $1100- OK- just got another call and they think it would be best to replace manifold as well. total now up to $3400- I'm stunned- Someone tell me to pull it and go local - or bite the bullet? Thanks Floored in NC
Where in North Carolina are you I'm in 27243 in Efland The parts you speak of to buy for that vehicle You should be able to get the EGR cooler and valve off any car you want for near nothing like at LKQ If you really want a new EGR valve you can pay the couple hundred bucks or whatever I am not sure if they're a remanufactured units available other than Toyota and the exhaust manifold I have four or five sitting around here and get in touch when you get ready or maybe you're too far away I can make time to fool around with your stuff I don't generally do things like this but for somebody who's right here kind of local We could make it happen or not Good luck I wouldn't spend anywhere near that
Yeah your post doesn't your profile doesn't say where I'm in 27243 Good luck with your project I will be leaving for Sterling Virginia Friday morning and be back Sunday afternoon and then we'll be here a long time.919 892 0363 good luck
I wouldn't do that. It VERY likely just needs cleaned (the egr cooler, the egr, and the intake manifold). It's a DIY-able job as you'll see if you do some research on it. Even paying someone I'd be really hard pressed to spend a grand. Shop around for sure or get into it yourself maybe with the help of a handy friend. These cars are most valuable to people who can DIY when they get to that mileage.
Don't overlook opening up the EGR valve to check for mashed ski-jump syndrome. If mashed, it's easiest to replace the valve, unless you really want to try building it back up with a heated butter knife or something the way ozmatt did.
Yeah I've seen this business before you definitely replace that bad boy I don't think I'll be forced to do the butter knife trick they're plentiful around here and I guess now they're putting this same valve on Corollas It looks like.
That’s the way to go; doesn’t need to cost a dime. And next time you’re car shopping, remember how Toyota didn’t want to hear about it.
It's a DIY job if you reasonably handy, 3 hrs tops and probably about 20 dollars in cleaning products.. Plenty of vids on you tube Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
3 hrs? I had a spare EGR cooler, EGR valve, and intake. It still took me 2 days. Some of the coolant hoses and clamps were a PITA to get to and remove. Not to mention the difficult to reach and remove nuts and bolts holding things together. Admittedly, I was taking it slow to make sure that I didn't break or mess anything up. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Breaking it up into two days is sensible too, say save the intake manifold for the second day. Or just do all the reassemble the second day. My technique with the cooler requires multi-hour soaks for starters: get it started asap, then deal with other components as it soaks.
Order this on eBay. Legit dealer, so make sure you’re ordering from Manhattan Beach Toyota. Find a local mechanic to you who has a good hourly rate and good recent reviews. I’d have them clean the intake manifold with specific instructions on the four small egr passages. If you can find one to also clean the egr cooler that would be even better.
There are advantages to using new parts. The intake manifold has been updated while the EGR valve is not always easy to recondition in the garage. The EGR cooler is difficult to clean and could be the root cause for your code. If the dealer is suggesting replacing all three parts with new, they are doing so to guarantee there will be no issues from the EGR system when they get done. If you're doing it yourself and have no real timetable, have no need for guarantees then cleaning it is the common solution.