Smart people make you smarter and dumb people make you dumber. One user in particular selects who can see his profile and thus I cannot ignore him. This is the message I get: " PriusChat - Error This member limits who may view their full profile." How do I block that person, and others who have this setting if the ignore button is not available?
Yep, I have the exact same problem! @Danny needs to understand... and hopefully @Tideland Prius will remind him that if they don't give us a way to "ignore" users due to this crappy "privacy" loophole, eventually there's going to be some kind of harassment lawsuit/expensive lawyers that they could of shielded themselves from before it became an issue. Basically, anyone who intentionally wants to target and harass a vulnerable Priuschat user can do so quite easily simply by making their profile "private" so there's no way to exclude/block/ignore their comments. THAT'S SO INCREDIBLY WRONG!!!
I haven't tried this, but maybe go to the profile of somebody else, hover over the button for blocking them, see if there is a visible URL associated, and see if that contains something like the member ID of that person. Then try to visit a URL constructed like that but with the member ID of the person you want to block, and see what happens.
The problem is that the privacy settings block access to the upper right corner of a user profile if they select "private." So you lose access to the three links in that block, which I grabbed from your profile as an example: And clearly if someone wants to be private on their profile they shouldn't have the "Follow" link... But not being able to have a "Report" or "Ignore" link on a private profile is a recipe for eventual disaster and not related to us thick-skinned regulars on Priuschat but more for creepy stalkers and their victims with car repair issues. It's a significant security concern IMHO.
Not sure if this is any moderator's fault. Sure sounds like a forum software defect.... REVVL V+ 5G ?
Still, you wouldn't be completely without recourse. If you report the specific posts that are harassing a user, the moderator could take measures to stop it. It does put you at the mercy of the moderator's abilities and willingness to take action, but it's not nothing. Still, I agree that any user should be able to ignore any other user. But that's a forum software issue unless there's a setting in the control panel that can toggle an ignore button somewhere other than the profile page. I'm sure, if it exists, it's an administrator setting and not available to a moderator.
I think it's possible, to ignore someone hiding their profile. Not sure, but try this: Make a note of person's online name Mouse-over your avatar at top of page, right side. Click on "People You Ignore" Scroll to bottom, you'll see this:
I tried Chapman's proposal. It worked for me, and the re-built thread in questions shows this at the bottom: P.S. Mendel's suggestion also works, with less effort.
Thanks Mendel... That looks like a solid work around... Haven't tried it yet, because I need someone with a private profile to test it on? Anyone got a name of a user with a private profile?
douglasjre's profile seems to be private. I just tried my build-a-URL idea on it and it worked. It ended up showing me a "limits viewing profile" error afterward (because that user's profile is where the 'ignore' URL tries to leave you after it adds the ignore entry). But it had successfully added the ignore entry first, which I could confirm by following Mendel's idea and going to my own 'people you ignore' page. The added entry was there. Just adding it Mendel's way is still easier, of course.
I was gonna volunteer, make my profile private temporarily, but could not figure out how to do that. Maybe untick everything in privacy??
it had successfully added the ignore entry first, which I could confirm by following Mendel's idea and going to my own 'people you ignore' page. The added entry was there.