The little number that appears with the "alert" flag in the upper right corner seems to work a bit differently lately too. And the last post preview is still broken.
For search function, Google search works better anyway. Type what you want to search followed by priuschat. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yeah, I agree, and that is my preference: PriusChat search is “quirky”. The “your content” I use a lot though, miss it. As an example, I’ll post from my pc, then get my phone out to take a picture to add. To get to the thread I just posted to, and add the pic, “your content” makes it easy. Without it, I gotta Google search for the thread title, sift through the hits. anyway, assume this is @Danny’s preview.
I occasionally get reminded that Google doesn't index everything. I'll go do a Google search for some thread or post that I definitely remember, and use distinctive words I definitely remember were in it, and nothing comes up. Then I'll go back exhaustively through the "content" search and find the post that way, and see all the search words were in it just like I remembered, and even copy/paste a bit from it into a Google search and still nothing comes up. Not really Google's fault; they're a best-effort web crawler, they never promised not to randomly miss stuff, and even though it often works better than the site's own search when it finds the post, it wasn't ever intended to be a complete reliable alternative to a site's own search. We don't even really know if it just randomly misses some pages, or maybe the text on the page got AI-matched to some pattern they secretly screen out, instructions for nuke-building or something. I should probably look into whether there's some Google function somewhere that would let me give a URL and say "hey, you missed this page, please add it to the index." The Wayback Machine has that function. But if it's available for Google somewhere, I haven't found it.
Got this issue fixed this morning. Sorry about the inconvenience over the last few days. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, everyone.