Good afternoon all! I apologize if I am either in the wrong forum (I read the pinned post about Prius v vs Prius V) or if this is a redundant thread. As a new user, I am still a bit unfamiliar with the search function and the limiting/filtering function. So, I was unable to find an answer to my question. I have a 2013 Prius v wagon (looks exactly like the one in Tim Jones' avatar pic). The passenger-side headlight finally went out and I now have a padiddle. The last time I replaced a headlight bulb was for my 2001 Honda Civic, which ran me about $8. So, I was very surprised to see Sylvania twin packs for the Prius v at $40+. With my frugalness aside, I was wondering what people preferred for Headlights. I thought this would be a good opportunity to upgrade to LEDs. If I am dropping $40 on a couple of standard light bulbs, is it worth it to upgrade to LEDs? If it is not worth it, do you just stick with the standard Sylvania bulb from Autozone/Advance Auto? Thanks!!
The halogen lights can be obtained for less if you order on amazon or ebay. To do led correctly means more than a replacement bulb, most of which are not aimed properly when installed due to the positioning of their individual diodes. This often blinds oncoming drivers making them dangerous to you and the others on the road. Plus leds need electronic drivers and use different housings when factory installed. So the right led upgrade would be a new factory housing and light assembly. I would buy the halogens. By the way, the access is tight and the cable may be short. They are quarter turn sockets which often come off without disconnecting the cable but are best installed without the cable and then plug the cable in. The passenger side requires removal of some of the air intake plastic and both sides are essentially done by feel.
I also have a 2013 Prius V wagon that had very poor headlights. I upgraded to LED headlights and have about 4 times the light from them for a cost of $39.99. They have been operating for a year now without any difficulties. They are a direct replacement for the existing lights and installed without removing any parts other than the bulbs themselves. I am very pleased with them and would never go back to the original lights again. It took a bit of fiddling to get the old bulbs out and put the new ones in but it probably only took me about an hour to get it done. H11 H8 H9 LED Headlight Bulbs CREE-Chips MINI Size 12,000Lm 6000k AUHDER All-in-One Super Bright Conversion Kit White Pack of 2 Good luck with getting your lighting repaired or replaced.
I had led high and low beam but the lows finally crapped out. I stopped at Walmart and put the stock bulbs in and now I don't have people flipping their brights at me any more. But the leds were brighter.
When did you install the new leds? the reviews weren't that great. Looks similar to the ones that came with my car. They didn't last a year.....kept getting dimmer and blinking.
Thank you to everyone who responded! I really appreciate the input. It looks like Halogen is the way to go. But, I really wanted the LEDs. So, I decided to give it a try and I ordered the LEDs. I read a bunch of the reviews and they were mixed. I had some Gift Cards available and I thought it was worth the try. I will certainly post an update once I receive them and get them installed. Thanks again all!
Aftermarket LED and xenon bulbs are invention of the devil himself... If you end up putting leds inside the halogen headlight assembly i recommend you to borrow a friends car and drive like oncoming traffic and see if there is ambient light that blinds you.
The ones that I use have a cutoff level that prevents that. H11 H8 H9 LED Headlight Bulbs CREE-Chips MINI Size 12,000Lm 6000k AUHDER All-in-One Super Bright Conversion Kit White Pack of 2
The fans went out on mine and I'm sure heat destroyed them. Started blinking then dim then bright. Finally was so dim barely made it to Walmart for new bulbs.
On several occasions I have almost hit animals or people when blinded by extremely bright “low” beams of oncoming cars. And I do mean temporarily blinded. Unfortunately, some people walk along the narrow shoulder of roads in the dark of night.
For some reason, my prius V wagon, has a whole headlight assembly for the low beams, and there's no means to replace them. The hi beam seems the typical twist lock that can be replace. Anyone else has these type of headlights? Any mods for these low beams to be replaced?
I had a v and I replaced the low beam but don't remember any problem. Had led when I got it but were to bright.
With a v5 trim you have LED headlights. They are different. I would take your vin to a dealer and verify your trim and the part needed. Then try to find a used LED headlight and or driver on ebay or LKQ salvage. At least get a discounted oem part online, often delivered to your own dealer.
I haven't heard the word padiddle in about 15+ years. I thought it was a midwest thing, not a NC thing