I need a picture of a Gen 3 with the front bumper cover off so I can see the wire routing for the turn signals from left to right All my turn signals are flashing fast the right front is out when my wife smacked the front bumper cover into something I'm sure it's squashed the wire any help will be appreciated I do not have the pictures
Doodle search is out of fashion already, it’s all aboutasking siri and alexa for help when voice dectation rules!!!
What happened was is my wife smacked her front bumper cover on the driver side just above the toe hook hole or right in line with it I think just above and over towards the left of that hole looking at the front of the car If I'm not mistaken the last time I was at the junk yard . The crossover wiring that goes from the turn signal switch to the left turn signal and then crosses across I think the front bumper or that piece of aluminum going over to the right turn signal All my turn signals flash fast except for the front right which does not ignite at all The bulb is perfect It works in my other car and vice versa but doesn't work in the 2010 that the bumper cover was smacked so I'm thinking it smack the wire that feeds the turn signal on the right side but for some reason allows all the other lights to work because their wires aren't compromised just the one that's feeding the signal to the right side so without taking the damaged bumper cover off right now I want to take my multi-tool and slice right near where the ding is in the bumper cover I can see it but I want to make sure I slice in the right direction so I don't further cut any wires I'm talking about a quarter inch wide slice maybe half inch cut that off underneath that will be that wire going from the driver side turn signal to the passenger side lift that out make a splice a Scotch lock connection whatever is needed and then that turn signal will work and the other ones or none of them will flash fast like they were a few weeks ago then I need to round up the bumper cover fender liners whatever else I'm going to put back on this thing and put it back together this is just to get through inspection in the next few days but it's no big deal I'll work it out I guess it's all good. I just figured this might speed things up but not so much
I knew somebody from the old country would be a long relatively quickly thank you very much sir does the trick just great I'll be able to straighten this out this afternoon very quickly because of this picture without damaging anything else Hope everything well and Romania been many years since I've been to the old countries thank you.
As stated by Priuscamper, either a bulb is out, or a connecter to one of the bulbs is loose. Driver side housing has the main connection for both sides of the signal wiring. I did this once, forgot to connect the main connector.
I don't have any connectors undone I have not tried to replace any of the lamps they're all brand new everything is LED except for the turn signals they are factory orange whatever the number is this happened directly after my other half smacked lightly the rear bumper of another car You can see the ding on her front bumper cover which is about right equal to where that wire is running from the left turn signal across that aluminum will call it a bumper over to the right side all the turn signals flash fast I think or they all flash quicker than normal because the right side doesn't ignite or illuminate at all and I'm thinking it's because where the wire got crushed running across that bumper I don't think there's any power getting to the turn signal the light works the low beam works the high beam works just the turn signal I think the little LED 194 white light comes on only the turn signal does not flash nor does it illuminate and stay illuminated so I'm thinking that little ding I see on my front bumper cover which if I could post a picture easily I would you'd probably go oh God that's definitely the problem has squashed the wire that goes over to the turn signal on the right side along that bumper and because it's squashed it can't light the lamp at all?
Or wire broken fuel to impact. Like I say I just wanted this picture to God my multi-tool with my hand so I don't damage any more wiring now that I see the direction and how the wire runs I can put a little slice in my front bumper cover lift out that portion of the harness that looks like it's been flattened out by the bumper cover make the necessary repair Make sure that it works get inspected then order a new bumper cover a fender liner etc
Man I barely understand what you wrote but I assume that my pictures helps because you said thank you. Romania is fine even if we have a war at our borders.
Fixed green and white wire that feeds right side got smashed broke off . I cut the green and white wires off the same side of my '04 used Scotch lock squeeze connectors from the telephone industry with built-in silicone and everything use the yellow one two port. Pretty much a permanent fix All back to normal and working perfect she can go get inspected and renewer tag without incident now
Tombukt2, please don't take this personally, but I have an extremely difficult time reading your long posts when you don't use punctuation. Is your keyboard broken??
I think there is a little bit of grammarly type adjustments creeping into this site along with the already well know spellcheck issues. I swear - rereading a post after the Edit function times out on that post can be beyond frustrating, if you let stuff like that bother you.
No bulbs OUT . Wires severed in accident the white black and green that feed right turn signal reconnected w scotch lok connectors from 3M all set . Like factory . Thank you .
I can't state this for Tombukt2, but at where I work, a lot of my co-workers can't spell, lack sentence structure and whatever they write doesn't make sense. Words like brake, break, write, wright, right, etc are constantly used in the wrong structure. And, most coworkers have not be taught how to handwrite, so they can't even sign a document.