2015 Prius with under 45K miles. It has been very cold (minus 0) and my Prius sat in the barn for weeks. Would not start. I started with my trickle charger and that worked several times (weeks apart) but last time I tried the charger just kept reverting to 'connected' and the charging indicator clicked on and off. The keyfob warning light came on but no power, could not open back , etc. Jumped it with my pickup and it started right up. Sat in the car for probably 10-15 minutes with my foot on accelerator to get the gas engine working. (Hybrid indicator dropped a few bars but was at 2 bars). Turned it off and went back 1/2 hour later and it started right up (without jumping)... That was yesterday. Today I went out to start it and would not start. Master warning light on. Power steering warning light on. Ignition button switching from orange to green when I depress brake pedal. Can I jump it and drive it the 30 miles to town where there is a dealer or a repair shop? (that's assuming it will start and run ok).... Thanks for any help!
Sounds like rather than starting the car in your barn and holding the gas down and wishing and hoping for things to get better maybe really take it for a drive is what the snow so high and so crazy you can't even open the barn door? Prius do not need to be sitting If it's the time of the year that you only drive your tractor and your pickup well I feel for you worry about it when spring gets here and places like that I think people maybe shouldn't own Prius if that's the case. Generally everything comes back to the 12 volt No good solid 12 volt computers can't talk to each other all that nonsense there's like 17 of them in the car we're most cars have one or two You've got plenty more so you need to have solid 12 volt not partially not we think it might be but solidly working 12 volt that's the end of that story If you don't have that you don't have anything with the Prius.
Thank you too! Beatrice (the Prius) usually winters in the south so this is my first time with her in a -yes- snowy cold Oregon. Stupid me. I will replace the battery and drive her more often now that I know the importance. Thanks again for your stern but meaningful words...
A new12v battery for a Prius is sometimes difficult to locate. I would look for prices at a auto parts store like Advanced Auto, Autozone, NAPA, BatteriesPlus etc or at a Toyota dealership. You will probably get prices of $220 to $260. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
That’s asking for trouble; a typical installed automotive battery is constantly subject to low-but-constant drain. Once you get current battery issued resolved, and if you’re likely to have similar protracted barn storage scenario in future, if you can get 120 volts AC to it, just keep it on an appropriate smart charger ‘round the clock. we’re low usage, doing this for years now. For a while I’d look for excuses to drive more frequently, then started thinking that’s a little nuts. Put it on a charger, you can relax.
Beatrice is a cool name for a Prius! Yep, modern Toyota's all pull a little power from the 12-volt when parked on numerous systems. If you can, put a little trickle charger on her but if no 110 power outlet out there, I'd disconnect the battery. (But do connect it and start it up every 3-4 weeks...don't want the engine to start rusting.)
Love mine I have the noco genius I don't know what it is 2000 watt 2000 amp whatever the heck it is a relatively decent one these things go for about a buck 80 I paid less than $100 I use it almost every day I carry it with me in whatever I'm driving. Yes even on the motorcycle
that's a good idea. i'll move mine to the front of the large clip will fasten to the jump point. i'm going to leave the hood open anyway, to try and make the mouse hotel less cozy while we're away.