Does anyone have any advice for replacing both the front and rear door applique pieces? Bought a new house recently and it turns out one of the windows on the driveway side does this super neat thing where it bends light enough to burn my car like a magnifying glass if I park in front of it. I found some videos on replacing the quarter panel applique, which also has a burn like this, but I can't find any videos of people replacing the door pieces. I already have the parts in hand, and I've found videos of doing this on other cars, but they all seems to have clips, and the new pieces I have just look like adhesive, so just looking for some advice before I try to tear the old ones off to make sure I don't mess anything up.
Well don't go the Vdara hotel in Vegas...LOL It seems to be just a tape, will be interesting what is underneath. Definitely need a good steady hand. Oh and put a sun shade on that window...LOL
For illustrated procedures, see the Repair Manual (more info), under Vehicle Exterior: Exterior Panels/Trim, where these parts are called the Front Door Rear Window Frame Moulding and Rear Door Front Window Frame Moulding. They are, indeed, held in place with double-sided tape and “caulking sponge,” Toyota’s term for adhesive foam tape, which should be supplied with the replacement parts. The procedures mention use of a molding remover tool and a heat lamp, to specified temperatures: 40–60 °C for the body, and 20–30 °C for the parts. I believe you’ll also need to remove and replace the Front Door Belt Moulding Assembly and Rear Door Belt Moulding Assembly, which are, like the frame moldings, identified as non-reusable parts. Parts catalog reference: Figure 75-03, Side Moulding. (Click View More Images and select the second image.)
Thanks for the detail, I'll look into the door belt moulding assembly, but it's pretty pricey, might take the old applique off first and see what it looks like. Do you know of anyone who's had luck getting repair manuals from any of the sites listed in the post you linked? I tried TIS, but they aren't taking any new accounts right now: "New Account subscription link is not currently working. We apologize for any inconvenience and are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. This message will be removed once the issue is resolved." I also tried but they couldn't find my VIN, presumably because I'm not in EU, and Michell1DIY is a dead link. Looks like will take my money right away, but won't show me what they have available first, and that's shady to me.
I’ve used all of them, at one time or another. I’m not sure what happened to, and it’s unfortunate that TIS is having a problem, since Toyota has committed to making repair information available to the aftermarket. If your local public library doesn’t provide access to ChiltonLibrary or a similar service, you should be able to get the needed information, in this instance, on don’t enter a VIN, but just search under Repair > Repair Manuals > Model: Prius > Basic model code: ZVW50, and then look in RM3218. I realize your car, like mine, is a ZVW51 model, and built for sale in the U.S., not in Europe, but for this subject, the relevant parts of the manual are the same.
Just wanted to follow up here in case anyone comes across this post in looking for info on replacing the applique in the future. The parts I used to do the 3 pieces on the drivers side of the car were: 75756-47040 Applique 75762-47050 Applique 62506-47011 Door Applique (Left) Those 3 parts were everything I needed. The 2 pieces in the first post have a small clip at the top that is accessible by just pulling back the rubber on the inside top of the door. Once that clip is pushed through you can peel the entire thing off as it is indeed just held on by adhesive, but there is a small plastic bit that fits into a metal tab at the bottom as well. I spent a little time trying to clean the old adhesive off, but was more or less unsuccessful, and in the end it doesn't appear to have any impact on the pieces lining up and everything looks brand new again.
Quick question, but what did you use to clean up the old adhesive? I'm in the same boat with a front door applique replacement. I have access to medical-grade silicone adhesive remover, but I've also read that Goo Gone Automotive works for things like debadging a vehicle.