A new Toyota comes with 2 fobs. If you be need a replacement it would depend if the dealer has one in stock and then an hour or so for programming.
"Get it out"......from where.......and why ?? If the second one was lost and they have to order one, "How long will it take" is not a reasonable question.
Due to chip shortages many new Toyotas come with one fob and a little bag with a key and sticker on the window that says that they will get the second one out later. Dealer said that they didn’t know how long it would take for Toyota to send the second fob. Hoping someone here has recently purchased a car and can answer how long it took to get their second fob.
It is true they are selling with one fob and promising the second. Several I know and myself are waiting.
Toyota’s announcement about this for the Japanese market (PDF, in Japanese) uses the phrase “as soon as it is ready” (junbi ga totonoi shidai, 準備が整い次第) and doesn’t mention a specific time period or date. Until then, since customers can’t follow the advice in the Warranty & Maintenance Guide (PDF; see “Keeping the Key Safe,” page 8) to safeguard a spare key, I’d hope that Toyota would provide goodwill consideration for the cost of immobilizer reprogramming in an all-keys-lost scenario.
Good idea to save that sticker until you get the second one. Also it would be a good idea to get it in writing exactly what their policy will be if that ONE FOB is lost or damaged before the second one comes in. That is sure to happen to somebody somewhere.
My understanding is the dealer will make no cost accommodations (will not reduce prices) under this scenario. Toyota corp made the decision to sell more cars by providing only one fob. They do provide a second cut key but not the fob required to Ready the car. On top of that, most dealers do not have a fob in stock, it has to be ordered and can take several days. Finally, Toyota has instructed dealers not to sell a second fob through the parts department for those who are not in an emergency situation.
Where did I say anything about "cost accommodations" ?? Are you saying that they will try to stick the owner for maybe close to $1000 to change out the ignition security system.......which is their standard "fix" if both fobs are lost ?? And it wouldn't be a dealer that would set that policy, except as an agent of Toyota, because it is still under warranty.
Yes that is correct. Probably not $1000 but much higher than the $300 if you still have a working fob. I will try to keep my vocabulary under control next time. Toyota specifically says it will not be covered by warranty. This is first hand information obtained when I was presented one fob last month with a new Rav4 hybrid. Many other models are impacted in this way (only getting one fob at delivery).
Has anybody who has bought a car with only one fob received the 2nd fob yet? If so how long did it take to get it? I’m getting tired of playing fob, fob, who’s got the fob!
No I was told it is uncertain and could be six months. Toyota has no timetable for the second keyfob (promised or scheduled delivery of second fobs). I was told we will have the service department program them using our existing fob when they do arrive. That service would be paid for by Toyota. I put an Apple Airtag on the keyring to help find the fob if it is misplaced or lost. The Airtag is quite an improvement over earlier competitors like Tile.
I'm not sure that you can equate what you are told by a "Toyota representative" at a dealership with Toyota's official policy. If I were in that situation, I would be calling the Toyota warranty help line........and then looking for a good lawyer before I actually needed one. This situation could be RIPE for a class action lawsuit. Might even be able to interest Morgan and Morgan.
This is a copy of recent Toyota Corp correspondence to their dealers. It is generic in the sense it lists several models. Some of those models still have key starts. Most of our new cars require the fob to start and drive. It does list dates when this policy began but not when a second fob will be available. Most of us accepted the deal since the dealers have a long list of buyers waiting for a hybrid. Personally I used some initiative (opportunity to act before others did) and contacts to subsequently (after delivery) obtain (purchase) and program a second fob. But the my dealer would not sell me one because it was not an emergency no key situation.
Thank you for those details. But NONE of that information addresses what will, or will not be done, if an existing owner looses or damages his ONLY FOB that he was given when new.
If he loses his fob he pays and Toyota won't accept a warranty claim as spelled out. Some dealers might eat it for a good customer assuming the manager is feeling good that day.
That does NOT say they won't accept a warranty claim against the FIRST FOB. It says that they will not entertain a warranty claim to get a SECOND one. Those two things are quite different. You are reading things into their statement that are NOT THERE.
In the original Generation 1 Prius, the entire immobilizer module had to be replaced if you lost all your fobs. My understanding is that with Generation 2 and later, the immobilizer module canbe paired with a new fob, using very closely held programming hardware and software. They still charge an arm and a leg to do the pairing, which only they can do, but not as much as buying a new module.
I haven't heard of a FOB shortage! There are after-market fobs for sale so if you really don't want to wait you could try going that route (but don't tell Toyota you did, better to have 3 working fobs than 1!) I believe the Toyota computer can accept 4-5 key FOBS. (But you can't use one FOB for two cars...I checked!) I called my dealer a few years ago to ask what they charge to program a new fob...since I bought the car with them, they said $50 which is an excellent price. Here's a website that sells aftermarket fobs. (I got one for my daughter's Mazda and works, but with some gremlins but I've heard from numerous folks the Mazda's are the most difficult to program new FOBS to.) Toyota Replacement Key Fobs & Keyless Entry Remotes