What do you mean you put the battery back in? Your not taking the battery out to charge it are you? That's a big waste of time. You can easily and quickly charge the 12 volt battery by hooking your charger to the front jump point under the hood that's what its there for. Charged my 12 volt battery like this for years and years. And that's where you interrogate the 12 volt battery at the front jump point. Don't measure at the battery measure at the front jump point because that's the only place where 12 volt level matters at the main fuse box. Get some some 220 grit sandpaper and sand down the battery terminals and the connectors then clean them with some choke cleaner then apply synthetic grease to the posts and bolt it back up. Sand down the body where the neg battery cable its bolted down then clean it and grease it up and bolt it back up. Like this:
Bummer. That's a real pain. If a battery gets depleted by a car light left on its usually not reliable from there on out. The hatch light in the back hatch area is a light easily left on. I disconnected mine. Its important that you make sure you arm the alarm every single time when done driving for the night as it will detect a door ajar and I would peek inside the car and make sure no lights are on after arming the car. Its a good habit that has stood me well never got stranded or had a dead battery in 14 years. And caught a light I left on a few times too. And lastly messing around with the 12 volt battery alot is very very dangerous on this car. One slip up and short out cables mistakenly can sometimes cause alot of very expensive electronic damage. We have seen many many of those on this site. So do what you have to do to stop messing around with the 12 volt circuit as nothing good comes from that.