Source: Father Deliberately Drove Car Off Cliff, Authorities Say After Dramatic Rescue - The New York Times . . . A family of four whose car had careened off a treacherous cliff-top road in Northern California, plummeted more than 250 feet and trapped them on Monday managed to survive and avoid life-threatening injuries. But now, the authorities say their car’s dramatic drop wasn’t an accident, but an “intentional act,” and that the father could face charges. Dharmesh A. Patel, 41, of Pasadena, Calif., was arrested late Monday on suspicion of attempted murder and child abuse, the California Highway Patrol, Golden Gate Division said on Tuesday afternoon. He will be transported to San Mateo County Jail after being released from the hospital, the authorities said. The San Mateo County district attorney said that it had not received the case from the Highway Patrol to determine whether Mr. Patel should be charged. Apparently this Tesla was the wrong tool for a murder-suicide. Bob Wilson
It would make for very strange safety advertising. This isn't the first knucklehead that tried to commit suicide in a Tesla strangely. .
If you are trying to murder your kids and commit suicide the tesla is the wrong car to do it in. Wth is the matter with people.
It's not people that are inherently wrong, it's the dismissiveness of this culture when it comes to addressing trauma and basic needs. If you break your arm, we all know that it's gonna be immobilized for 6 weeks or so and then there's lots of physical therapy to get it working again. But if you get beat up by a bully at school or your mom can't afford both rent and food and you often go without food our culture doesn't fix it the way we fix a broken arm, we just expect people to deal with it even if it breaks them. So we have lots of people walking around with severe emotional damage similar to a broken bone that has never been set and allowed to heal so it becomes a source of constant pain for the rest of their life. As in when kids grow up being told in many different ways that not only do they not matter, but especially their feelings don't matter and when those injuries aren't given an outlet/path to healing they perpetuate the abuse they endure by projecting it on to their own children and loved ones when they grow older. Specifically, when you put capitalism and all the layers of cruel exploitation it creates ahead of meeting people's basic physical and emotional needs/healing you create self-destructive behaviors that get worse rather than better. This video does better than most any other at explaining how that works and how to fix it:
At least he didn't have the foresight to check the tide tables. At high tide, it would have been tragic.
What are you thinking. Do you think people that attempt to or actually murder their children do it because they got bullied or that this this rich doctor that tried to kill himself and his family made it through med school but somehow when he has a young family that early trama (not sure why you think it existed) decides to kill himself and them. No excuses. This is a sick individual. There are millions who got bullied, that were orphaned, that have been in poverty that do not try to kill people. There is no mental test to buying a nice car, all you need is money. Money definitely did not stop this awful person. He made it through med school, why didn't he try to murder his family in a less safe car? Not that that matters.
Craziest criminal trial I ever was involved with was a woman with a newborn. One day while this 3-month-old was crying she gently picked the baby up took it out behind the rear wheels of her car - backed over it then back forward onto it again, went in & finished the dishes. Jury convicted her & Judge Thomas took the murder decision away from them. Long story short - people can't just categorize murder as being due to crappy parents or neighbor kids. Plenty of kids turn out horrible - though they had great upbringing with living frienfd/neighbors ..... & vice versa. .
You're clearly missing the point. If someone breaks their arm and no one ever sets that bone and they spend the rest of their life with a bum arm that is constantly causing them chronic debilitating pain you understand why that person would live a miserable life. But when you dismiss and devalue someone's mental and emotional state and you don't treat that as an injury that needs to be repaired and just claim that "millions who got bullied, that were orphaned, that have been in poverty that do not try to kill people" as if that solves the problem, you're perpetuating the same kind of inhumane behavior that causes this father to continue to escalate his abusive behavior towards his family without intervention to the point that he drives off a cliff and almost kills everyone. I don't know about you, but when I went to public school in the 70's & 80's you didn't have to worry about someone who's been so ruined as a person that they can take an assault rifle and make the whole classroom look like everyone was run through a wood chipper in less than a few minutes. But that's what happens when you feed a culture of hatred and greed instead of a culture of kindness and generosity. The point is our mental, physical and emotional well being is directly correlated to how we treat others and these truly sick people who are motivated to kill other people are the ones who need intervention and treatment. But because of all the rugged individualistic BS being spewed about how boys aren't supposed to be weak and are supposed to deny emotions and not understand them, but dismiss them (which your reply is doing) we have a society that is built on a foundation toxic inhumane abuse that everyone pretends is normal. Why not watch the video and learn the details rather than more BS knee-jerk dismissiveness about what's failing in our society?
Yes because that has nothing to do with this. I had a badly set leg that has caused me back pain, but that would not be an excuse or explanation to kill someone. I deal with it and take anti inflamatories and have physical therapy. It has not ruined my life. Oh I'm sure it breaks your bleeding heart. I have nothing to do with this 41 year old rich doctor or his family. Do you know if he got bullied? Are you a doctor or psychologist. I can't solve the problem of psychotic murderers. I'm sure some can attempt it, but you are on a car blog not a fantasy blog excusing heinous crimes because of imagined wrongs by society. Give me a break. In Greco-Roman times it wasn't even a crime for a father to kill his kids. Fortunately it is less likely now, but way too high
In the first part of the ad the driver tried to connect the exhaust into the car...then he got the idea of the cliff Mike
i'm not sure i agree with this, i would have to see data, but i do agree mental illness can affect anyone.
Your vapid intolerance in your points is a perfect example of normalizing a society where mental and emotional injuries not only go untreated but continue to get worse and worse and more deadly around that person if left untreated and if someone tries to have an intelligent discussion about the importance of having a society that's more concerned with these issues you fly off the handle about how I'm making excuses for murderers. Meanwhile you're also talking out the other side of your mouth about how it once was NOT a crime to kill your own children. Clearly these mental health issues you suffer from is not just you, but the broken society that nurtures you to both legitimizing the killing of your own children while also demonizing someone who tried to do just that. The whole point of this is we have endless studies that show ways children can be raised to be a valuable and helpful participant in society in a way that increases compassion and empathy instead of whatever fanatical trip you're on where you keep trying to do the opposite and then asking yourself "what's wrong with this people." As in you're just as broken as the society we live in and you need to look in the mirror and think about what's led you to be such a hostile and abusive person that would rather reference one of the most violent eras in human history rather than learn about and reference other cultural histories that are the opposite of that. No doubt you'll argue that those peaceful and more loving cultures never existed even thought they have and still do. As in clicking "ignore" on you so I never see your posts again.
Didn't Hyundai get push back over ad claiming suicide wouldn't be possible because of the low CO emissions?
National Lampoon, parody ad, 1973. VW sued, National Lampoon had to recall unsold copies, and issued a retraction: “Even if Ted Kennedy had driven a Volkswagen he wouldn’t be president today.”
Just unlock the valet mode.
Yikes. Yes you can kill people even in the safest cars. Tesla appears to have turned off a setting to stop the car from going that fast, and the son of the owner decided to go 116 mph. Most of us only turn on valet mode if we are loaning our cars so it is off. Another Florida many in a newer safer tesla decided to go the same 116 mph in a 30 mph zone, and killed his passenger and the occupant of the house he hit (the road T'ed, and I lived on such a corner, where the owner of the house put up big reflectors, because people would go 50 mph in the 25 zone, and plow into his trees). Two cases both in florida, now this in california where he decided to drive off a cliff, but didn't go the requesite speed. Really sad.