Hi all-- I had my car broken into last night (nothing taken, luckily). The rear window is gone and the upper rear brake light and roof around it is all damaged. I've attached pictures. Does anyone have any idea what this might cost to fix? Insurance won't pay it unless the police can figure out who did it, and I think it's unlikely that they will.
ugh, they wrecked the spoiler too. So at least those three items, glass, brake lamp and the spoiler. The latter two you'd be able to get secondhand from a recycler. car-part.com is a database of used car parts that might be able to lead you to a local recycler with those items on the shelf. You'll want to find a used spoiler. When you buy new plastic body parts, they come unpainted, and so you have to take them through the body shop to get them painted to match. Much cheaper to find a used one already done in your color. Call an auto glass shop to get numbers for the rear window itself. Sorry to read of your misfortune, hope you can get some relief from the insurer. EDIT: looks like Toyota does sell the spoilers prepainted, but they're $490 and shipping won't be cheap.
I agree with Leadfoot. I am surprise the insurance isn't helping you. My wife's car was vandalized in a parking lot. The hood was crushed in. Probably the work of an "angry at the world and high on some illegal drug" type person. Anyway, my insurance covered the entire cost.
After looking it over a little more I'll guesstimate $1600 to fix with new parts at Toyota, and I'd suggest more like $700 if you DIY all you can and use cheaper used parts.
Here is my C with new spoiler The things in the cardboard box are door protectors if you want them too