Is there a way to delete radio presets and not just reassign them to a different station? I added some channels for the holidays and now they are no longer needed. I know I can just reassign them to a channel I already have, but I don't want to do that. I did a search and saw that the last time this was discussed was in 2017. This is for a 2022 Limited.
On my much older version, I don't think there were any presets that were unassigned. All pointed to something, and not just 000 or 001. At least on my vintage of Prius, it doesn't matter which band is initially selected, the presets can point to any band (XM / FM / AM), so I have some mixed pages with something pointing to each band. On my other vehicle yesterday, I was setting new presets on pages that hadn't been touched since the last battery change (or possibly even from the factory). All the 'un-assigned' presets were actually pointing to the lowest channel of the band.
Of course disconnecting the battery will clear everything, but I don't want to go that far. I'll see if there's something I can reassign them to.
Disconnecting the battery will probably cause the ECM to have to relearn everything; something to be avoided I would think. Is there a fuse for the head unit? Maybe pulling that instead is a good method. On my 2017 Plus I can set how many presets show on the radio. I set the lower ones to the stations I wanted and then set the limit to not show the upper ones I didn't. I think it goes in steps of 5 or something, so this isn't perfect.
I just dealt with this in my Mazda, maybe it'll be similar in a Toyota? I parked the cursor on the preset I didn't want, and then held down the "ok" button for about 3 seconds. Then I got a popup asking me if I wanted to move or delete the preset. So... maybe try a long press?
Unfortunately it links the current channel to that preset, or reassigns if the preset already has a channel. Thanks for the reply.