The only obvious area of body rust on my 2007 Prius and a friends 2005 Prius is in the rocker panels just in front of the rear wheels . Road dirt and salt collect in this spot which is unprotected by the inner, plastic fender liner and the moist pile of debris stays there indefinitely eventually rusting thru the sheet metal. All the gen2’s and probably others are vulnerable to this early onset rusting. Has anyone repaired this damage and have any advice on how to repair it ? Does anyone know of a source for preformed , weld-in, sheet metal body parts for repairing this common rust spot on the Prius Gen 2 ? Thanks !
Rear rocker panels are part of the quarter panel 6160247060 ($1000?), not possible to buy it separately. I ended up buying the center pillar 6131147010 ($332) and sectioned off pieces of the rocker for patch pieces. 6131147010 has enough rocker material to do both sides on both your cars. One of your photos shows inner panel also rusted away. The old timer at Lakeside Auto body has some tips for rocker repair using regular 22 or 20 ga sheet metal. Do not use plumbing heating sheet metal. Learn to mig in 5 min for patch panels Lower quarter panel rocker repair DiY patch panels Using a cheap Harbor Freight flux welder
The sad fact is the front suspension is probably rotted to hell too. Get the car up in the air and take alot of photos of the front and rear suspension see how bad it is down under. I bet its pretty bad.
Interesting comment, here is my rusted rocker panel in front of the rear passenger wheel. Under the rocker is a plastic cover held on by clips inserted into the rocker. Hardly water and dust proof. There is a redundant clean out drain plug for some reason? Dust and moisture flow to the back of the rocker from forward motion of the car. I opened up the rocker and it was packed with damp dust and mud. Also in the rear wheel well is a cubby on the top outside of the rocker that gets packed with dust and mud that stays damp, notice the top part of the rocker inside. Notice also that only the rear 12 inches or so of the rocker has appreciable rust. Hardly any towards the front of the rocker.
Your not addressing my point. I can see in the first pics you posted how bad the rocker rot is but the suspension may also be so bad its not worth repairing the rockers. Trying to save you some time and money. Its rare you have rocker rot and everything under the car is not wiped out also. If the suspension is bad as I think just drive the car till it dies.
The first pics aren’t mine. Some pics of my front suspension. Seems normal for a 14 year old car in wintry Sask.
The OP's or mine. Why not? My 2008 Prius I bought for $1100? I'm getting the rocker repaired for $220 plus the part. Also picking up a 2017 Gen 4 battery for $800, even though my 2008 battery is still at 75% without grid charging. I think I'll fix my Prius since the asking prices for 2008 Prius in my area is $8000 and up. Not sure you're the best person to get advice from. Did you ever get your $1300 new battery deal?
Thanks Alftoy, that’s excellent info and sources, exactly what I was looking for. I recently used this 3M body panel epoxy glue to repair a fender. The stuff is extremely strong , sticky, flexible and of course require no heat. The lack of welding means : - contact spots have to be bare metal - most of the repair part can be painted prior to assembly - metal isn’t altered by the heat It takes longer than welding but seems to be a viable alternative to welding except perhaps in a production commercial auto body repair shop. The question of what repairs are worthwhile or not is personal and has much to do with whether or not you enjoy it at some level rather than being financially ascending. The screws are removed and holes filled after the glue dries:
May consider using a flange tool to inset the repair metal to minimize bulging seam and body filler feathering. Air Punch Flange Tool