Anyone yet have a noise level reading/decibel reading for 2023 Prius Prime Hybrid. I'm more interested in noise level with motor running, since I've read the new Hybrid is quiet and also noisy. Can't be both. Comments on road noise, wind noise, motor noise (especially going from battery to motor) appreciated.
No one has drivin a prime yet so no word on sound proofing but on one of Kirk Kreifel's drive youtubes I ask the following: how is sound proofing vs the gen 4? Is it quiter that before? Sounds like a fair bit of road noise comes through - engine when you step on it but that is expected and he said: About the same. 17" wheels on LE and 4th gen should be a tad more quiet on rough roads. Not quite certain how to interpret what he wrote to be honest, 4th gen quiter than the 5th gen? If so, that's a fail in my book - OR - did he do a typo and meant the 5th gen with 17" should be a bit better?
the prime and the hybrid will be about the same noise level. i haven't heard anyone mention quietness in the video reviews, but i may have missed it. i doubt they will ever add enough weight to quiet the interior substantially
The only mention of noise level in the reviews I've seen concerned the steady engine drone under acceleration. And the comment was "this is to be expected." With a CVT/eCVT, you're going to get a steady drone since the RPM is relatively constant under acceleration.
That's my feeling also since the 2023 Prius Prime (Hybrid or PHEW) is on the small size and built close to ground level. I don't think the car has the weight nor the sound proofing insulation to keep cabin area quiet like a Camry, Lexus, etc. I think its also very misleading to think the Prius is on the quiet side when in battery mode but when motor kicks on (70% of time) noise level jumps to possibly a uncomfortable levels. There are now quite a few test drive reviews and most say the car has some cabin noise issues that are annoying. Be it during acceleration or when motor kicks on. It appears car does well with road noise/wind noise but falls below average letting in (annoying whine noise) during acceleration and then during battery transfer to gas motor.
the only caveat is that while they say there is some annoying noise, they are not comparing it to 2022 model. so we don't know yet if the noise is better, worse, or the same
To me annoying noise means annoying noise. And it appears to be constant since I've seen several car testers mention it while driving in 30 to 65 mph range. With current and upcoming EV's there's zero motor noise because the motor is gone. Car buyers will move toward silent EV's versus Hybrid, unless some car manufacturer can make a quiet running Hybrid or Hybrid Plug in EV.
I don’t mind engine noise. It’s the quirky noises that occur within the dashboard that drive me nuts and I don’t mean the electrical noises. Obviously my 2009 is an old car now but these noises have been there for quite some time.
After reading this I won't touch 2023 Hybrid and if Prime PHEV has the same "SOUND" issues then I'm gone for good. Beautiful looking car but who enjoys going deaf from awful internal/external sounds. Edmunds - 2023 Toyota Prius Is No Longer a Snooze Unfortunately, the engine's power band and overall feel remain the same, though a lot of that has to do with the continued use of a CVT. Without gears, the engine basically revs to a high rpm and holds there. There's no tach to see what the revs are, but it's likely close to 6,000 rpm, where the engine makes peak horsepower. It's loud, too, with a drone of an exhaust note that's neither sweet nor burly. Seems Toyota thought of everything except "Ear Plugs".
So are they saying the 2023 is louder than the 2022 models? I didn’t have a problem with the sound of the 2022 during test drive but I’m also trying to get used to my new non OEM catalytic converter in my 2009. Anything would be quieter. : }
not sure what they mean by 'revs to a high rpm and keeps it there' that would only happen if you mashed the pedal to the floor and 'kept it there'
I heard one reviewer say the gen5 was a little quieter than the gen4, but I have no idea if they had recently driven a gen4 to compare, or were likely relying on possibly faulty memories. I found a video of a pair of reviewers doing a back-to-back drive of a gen4 and gen5 to compare them, but do you think they ever mentioned road noise? <sigh>
Someone finally posted a review in which there was more than one sentence spoken about cabin noise: They actually talk about cabin noise on a few occasions, and the consensus seems to be that it is quiet aside from hearing a bit of tire noise or the engine during acceleration.
Appreciate your thoughts and like I say I'm reading 2023 Prius is some what quiet to very noisy. Frustrating to get such a wide range of noise levels. What we really need is a cabin noise level reading. Edmunds reports - Noisy when the gas engine kicks on Then CleanTechnia link - Adding additional body panels underneath the vehicle further reduced wind and drag, helping provide an additional sound barrier to mitigate road noise at the same time. So back and forth - She's noisy - She's semi-quiet. Starting to wonder if grade of gasoline might make a difference in sound of motor. Most of these early test drives by talking heads were probably with 91 octane. Higher grade gasoline might make engine quieter. Then replace with 87 grade octane and maybe the noise level jumps. Pure speculation. What appears to be standard is if you put the car in "sport" mode and then drive semi-aggressively you will hear a high pitched whine noise. Maybe more so if you floor the gas peddle. Then I'm reading when motor kicks on you can hear it but not sure if that's at cruising (steady speed) or more so between 35 mph to 65 mph, while climbing hills, etc. Oh well looking forward in February to reading the test drives from posters here that have a chance to sample new hybrid.
Since nobody here has yet written about what I consider the biggest culprit in Prius noise, I've found that (in both my 2011 and 2019 models) tire and road noise overpower any other noises under anything but hard acceleration conditions.
Cabin noise can be a little subjective. I mean not really they can bring a decibel meter but what one reviewer thinks is loud and what you think might be different. Car reviewers test all kinds of cars. The new prius could well have improved cabin noise compared to the previous years but can still be loud compared to a Luxury car the reviewer was driving last week. Until a reviewer breaks out measuring devices it'll be hard to really tell
I agree with Blane, the road/tire noise bother me more than the engine noise which is only evident under hard acceleration. Aside from the cheap shiny black plastic trim, I like my 21 XLE. The new one looks great but would be a non starter if they haven't fixed the road noise. Seems like a few hundred dollars and a few extra lbs wouldn't be that big a deal, though I'd guess the mpg is their main goal. Reviews said they're not expecting to sell a lot of them. I might try some different tires on mine, not willing to go through the effort of soundproofing. If that doesn't work, I'l be trading it in.
After extensive review I'm in the camp that says the 2023 Prius is on the noisy side. Just too many reviews that say cabin noise is somewhat loud on acceleration, climbing hills, passing traffic, etc. Seem road and wind noise are in the "average range" but when motor kicks in - incoming sound is prevalent. Can't say if its annoying or not, so that's where a test drive comes in. Hope the Prime Plug-in performs better (noise wise) than the below average reviews I've read for the 2023 Prius. Be it with 17 inch tires or 19 inch tires.
prius are noisy. if you haven't driven one, you wouldn't know whether gen 5 is quieter or not. mos gen 4 owners feel that it is quieter than gen 3