The 12v battery on my older 2nd Prius went flat, again. I was able to successfully charge it, but got brake warning lights on the dash, again. Techstream popped up the code C1345, not learning linear valve offset, again. The last time this happened, last year, I replaced the battery, bled the brakes, and after a lot of tries, finally got the linear offset program on Techstream to work. This time, I couldn't get the Techstream linear offset to work no matter how many times I tried, so I finally broke down and bought a used replacement ABS actuator on ebay, and installed it. I went through the brake bleeding program successfully, and tried again. I have been running the battery charger, maintainer through the whole process. Even though I have replaced the ABS actuator, I cannot get the linear offset program to complete, it keeps cutting out part way through the countdown. Is there anything else I should try before I install yet another ABS actuator?
Well that's really strange. I replaced the brake actuator didn't even connect tech stream to bleed. And have been driving with no lights ever since. I find this very interesting but I have no idea what to tell you. I guess the linear actuator is built in to the actuator for the brakes so it's not a separate part possibly so I guess in one of these situations yeah you keep replacing that thousand plus dollar part to get one that's correct some folks that are more knowledgeable about this nonsense ought to be a long shortly It does seem very strange as one of the things I don't like about this kind of model has too much part replacing.
Get a new vehicle communication interface cable. Mini-VCI are know to be unreliable for some of these bi-directional routines. Are you keeping the battery on the charger whole you are doing the linear offset procedure?
There are plenty of posts here if the OP is interested. Tactrix Openport 2.0 (don't buy any that are significantly cheaper than $169–they are likely counterfeits–and buy only from the Tactrix website; VxDiag VCX Nano; and then there is the myriad of Mini VCI cables. These range from stupidly cheap the reasonably cheap and can be a crap shoot getting a reliable one.
They real tricky to find and source out the nonsense from the decent stuff unless you have a lot of money because you can buy a bunch of them so it looks like paying $150 bucks for one might turn into the smarter move or buying a bunch of $39 ones $59 $.69.95 whatever. I would think even the crappy ones would finally come up to some sort of snuff. Just because of time and standards but apparently standards like laws are made to be broken which is seemingly kind of sad because this is a pretty simple part that plugs into a universal connector and that should pretty much be that but as we see.
Nitpicking, perhaps, but I think the fortune cookie for C1345 is just "linear solenoid valve offset learning undone"—so, the car isn't complaining about a problem with learning the offset, but just that it hasn't yet (or it's forgotten) and needs to learn it. There's a different code, C1368 ("linear solenoid valve offset malfunction") the car can give you if it tried to learn the offset, and the value ended up outside the believable range, which probably means the actuator's no good. (Even for that code, they say to try again, and not worry unless it happens again.) If you're only getting C1345 coming back, I guess I'd lean toward thinking something is flaking out in your diagnostic connection before the procedure completes.
Yes, I am leaving the charger/maintainer hooked up to battery when I am running TecStream. Also, I just went out and checked, and I am also getting the code C1368 along with the C1345.