I bought my 2017 prime (used) during summer. 106k miles on it. All summer using the charge point charger at my apartment complex I got charged to around 24 miles on ev. Now when I charge it I only get about 18. Is that due to cold? I'm in PA.
Very likely the cold. Parts and fluids take longer to reach optimal temperature. The air is denser. The pressure in the tires as dropped. Efficiency drops for all cars in the cold. EVs also take a hit with cabin heating as they don't have a source of waste heat to use. Check the tire pressures. A grill block will help with engine warm up; not sure if of any benefit doing that for the EV side.
That is typical behavior. I live in Maine. In the summer a full charge will usually give us around 24 to as much as 30 miles, In winter a full charge will give us 14 or 15 miles.
Thanks for the replies. @Trollbait well, I mean like as soon as I get it off the charger and turn it on, the dash EV mileage would say before that I have 24.x left, now it says 17.x. So not what it actually bought me, but what it's indicating I have to use after a full charge. No impact in tire pressure, etc there (although I do keep them inflated properly).
All PHEV cars are the same range is affected by cold temperatures. Still love my Prime no matter the range.