Hi everyone. I noticed while doing brakes that a particular shield on both sides of front wheel well are missing. It's the upper panel behind the wheels. It seems someone ripped them out, stole them. Does someone have any idea what they are called or reference me to a part manual? I've looked and some splash shield online and not clear location.
Go to toyoda dealer The guy in the place called the parts department will show you a picture on a screen of your front end and you can pick out all the little part numbers you like for every little piece of plastic that goes in the wheel well which there are plenty there's even a couple little metal strips and these little spoiler looking things that stick down in the very front of your plastic nose piece that bolt in etc etc aniyama is another place you can check online All of these places will show a microfich picture of your front end in the body section of the vehicle and will show you the front fender the wheel well liners the pins and clips nuts and bolts all related parts you can pick and choose what you like generally when doing the front wheel wells I try and get them complete with the little stick down spoiler looking things and all of it because usually they're all broken and you can't put those broken pieces back on a new fender liner you can also buy fender liners of a little bit thicker PVC type material that is not as prone to breaking and having stuff fly through it as the center lighter weight original kind of ABS type material that doesn't flex well gets cold and can break a rock can go flying through it when it's a little older where the PVC will dent the harder ABS factory material a sharp rock can go flying through it either way plenty available plenty for you to buy No I do not have the part numbers
When using Voice to Text you can say punctuation marks, Like 'comma' and 'period'. This would help. Also, 'microfich picture' hasn't been used in decades, but we know what you mean...
Exactly my point you know what I mean you can even go on anyama. And take a look at their black and white drawings just like the Toyota dealer used. And see all the stuff that goes on your car and you can order every little piece like for a weed eater or a blower every nut and bolt is separate every clip every piece of plastic. I will tell you this on my junkie 2013 with both the front fender well.liners missing . And various related other plastics that were supposed to be for aerodynamics and maximum gas mileage these pieces missing didn't affect my gas mileage at all so some of them I've just left off as long as I don't hear things flapping blowing making funny noises I generally don't worry about hidden plastics sure in the rain the tires and the wheel wells get dirtier but that's what a garden hose is for
Good ol’ Ann Yama… Good point about dealership parts department; not sure why it’s the last resort for many, if they even think of it. the wheel well liners are one continuous piece, starting with the low, horizontal panel near the front, then spliced to the arching piece around interior of wheel well. I've had that composite piece "almost" out, except for one fastener at the rear end of the arch: couldn't see any way to remove it without destroying it. Myriad fasteners too, lots of different kinds. Better take inventory of what you have, or just get all replacements. A couple of good sites: Toyota Parts and Accessories - Official Online Store https://www.amayama.com/en Direct link for above: Fender liner for 2010 The latter is good for me, since US sites tend not to ship out of country.