It has become a lie. Please share the accuser's name so we can make sure he never has another responsible job. Bob Wilson
For example: Elon Musk was called ‘Space Karen’ in a viral tweet. A scientist wrote it as a defense of science. - The Washington Post
he finally got a pcr test, positive, admits he has covid, but, 'the mild cold symptoms are gone. after all, it's just a cold virus'
Genius in some areas is not universal. Steve Jobs died early by practicing non-empirical medicine on himself. I sure wish Elon had never screwed around with Twitter. Regardless, I disagree with his opinion on the good Doctor. Bob Wilson
He's devolving into full Q mode. Very sad. I can't see a very good future for him as he's going down a darker and deeper path every day.
I think it could be intresting for some maybe when revisiting a self proclaimed plugin newb. If only for the empirical data from a plugin (convert?). ford f-150 lightning - towing disaster I think the early adopters / drivers of hybrid and EV like you and I might have something to do with the general public s shyness towards it's jump to electric vehicles. I think most drivers just want to drive their cars daily without having to think at all about car, it's behavior in different situations, and it's costs to operate and or repair. And most drivers, pretty much already have an unconscious status quo about such things with there old tried and true petroleum burning vehicles. Does the video above kinda reinforce my theory? Besides, how often do you think anyone wants to have to think about how other humans are effecting the environment we all share, especially while doing the deeds we must do to keep out pay on par with the others in our classes / castes. Apologies for going offtopic, since I have no clue what or why Elon thought and or thinks, yesterday, today and I don't want to try an guess what may come tomorrow since we all kinda get where that goes. I hope anyways.
I don't understand the fixation on towing but it may be that I live in a suburbia-sh environment. Most of the trucks I see are carrying nothing and towing nothing (vanity trucks). Then there are a few that have a bed with some stuff in them that isn't going to be there the next day. And some work trucks with inserts in the back that carry tools and equipment. Those are work trucks. And some lawn services trucks towing trailers with light loads. I see specialized trucks hauling big loads. Let the EV truck do what it can do and buy or rent the diesel dual wheel behemoth for their best suited tasks. OK so the Tesla truck is only suitable for 50% of the potential customers.