I am trying to remove the signal stalk on the 2013 prius 3. It appears to be stuck or a clip is still holding it in place. I used a plier to loosen the round clamp but still stuck. How do I remove it?
You've got the right idea. Try swearing at it a few times (while squeezing the clamp). That's what worked for me. I don't remember that one specifically, but most such spring clamps are notched in such a way that you can squeeze the clamp loose and get the tangs to lock together that way. Then it stays loose by itself, and you can focus on the profanity.
All this time I thought my usual cursing and swearing while repairing didn't help... Thanks for correcting me. I'll make sure to do it more loudly and more often from now on.
You're there that clamp Is it completely undone another lefty loosey turn maybe and then grab not the stalks but the bulk of the plastic in the middle and wiggle it a little side to side kind of like you pull the steering wheel off if you leave the nut on but loose you wiggle the wheel side to side whilst pulling up rather than the wheel flying off and heading to the back seat it pulls up and hits the nut clunk now you undo two turns of the nut throw the wheel on the floor and the nut in the console it's very similar with the combination switch although it's not nearly as tightly seated onto the shaft as the steering wheel was because it's on the outer piece of metal that the shaft runs through but you're there it should wiggle right off now Good luck.