Anyone care to list a few major differences between a Gen 2 Prius and a Prius C Two (2013)? I just traded in the former for the latter. Already noticing minor trim differences I didn't expect. And I think the combustion engine is different? Thanks for reading.
It’s the same 1NZ-FXE engine as the Gen 2 but with all the upgrades of the Gen 3 - so no belts (electric water pump), I think it also has an EGR and EHRS. The battery is different (smaller) than the regular Prius. No thermos coolant (EHRS replaces that). No rubber bladder in the fuel tank either. It will get better mpg since it’s smaller. EGR = exhaust gas recirculation (to cool the engine) EHRS = exhaust heat recovery system (to warm the coolant faster)
I hope you enjoy your Prius C. In addition to the technical differences @Tideland Prius mentioned, after some time with it, you can come back and tell us how the experience compares to the 2005 you traded in They’re great little cars.. probably the most reliable, fuel efficient subcompact you can find in the US. Take good care of it and it’ll take care of you.
Tideland covered it well. I can confirm that it does have an EGR and recovery system. The whole NHP-10/Aqua/Prius c platform was focused on simplifying the Prius. Less wiring, less plumbing, less everything, while benefiting from the same batteries, software & control unit development. Not sure if it still stands, but for a while the Prius c was the most-automated car assembly line anywhere. In essence, they built a robot that spits out finished cars, and it worked well. Congrats on your new ride!
Compared with my 2012 Gen 3, my 2012 Prius-C feels more responsive and better handling. Besides the smaller internal volume and slight lower freeway MPG, it's more enjoyable to drive.
I'm already really liking it. I can tell it's going to be a fun little car to drive. I'll admit--I didn't notice some of the trim items that are missing in it (cruise control for one) before I bought it. THanks everyone for your replies. Let me ask another question--anyone have any experience with the after-market cruise control kits? I see one here: 2012-2015 Toyota Prius C Complete Cruise Control Kit for Sale
Hmm, I didn't know the Two from that year didn't have cruise. I thought only the Ones lacked it. Usually lack of cruise and a non-split rear seat are the markers to spot a One. (there are other differences too, but those are most noticeable) I have no experience with this Rostra kit but I have read accounts of others installing it without difficulty. I understand that the kit consists of an actual OEM Toyota cruise control stalk with aftermarket wiring, accessories & instructions added in. In other words, your car already has cruise control, it just doesn't have the switches to let you control it. I have installed Rostra cruise kits in other cars. The instructions weren't quite as step-by-step as the sales literature suggested, but they weren't awful.
Hmm, wouldn't that mean you got a One trim level? The seat material looks like a One trim level. Do you have 60/40 split folding rear seats or a one-piece full folding rear seat?
Thanks, Leadfoot. This was sold by a Ford dealer. It makes some sense they wouldn't realize the trim level.
Okay so you really have a One. I know that means no cruise, one-piece rear seatback, no tonneau cover over the rear cargo area and no speakers in the rear doors. I think there are a couple other differences but I think that's most of it. You still got all the really good parts
Nice! I really like that color.. and it looks like it’s been well cared for. Some gray weathertech mats in the front would look sweet with your interior + maybe a kit to defog the headlights. But by all means get some cruise control in there first. That’s a must-have feature for me. For only having 99HP, I find the cruise does a good job of maintaining the speed I set, even on super hilly mountain roads.
Definitely well cared-for, @Pri3C. Thanks for your upgrade suggestions. And I'm strongly considering the cruise, yes.